
Vigo glyph

Virgo is the sixth Sign of the Zodiac circle. Its symbol is the Virgin holding sheaves of wheat and signifies fertility, harvest and wisdom through experience.

Planetary ruler: Mercury Affiliated with: House 6
Duality: Passive Color: Navy Blue and Earth Tones
Modality: Mutable Anatomy: Intestines
Element: Earth Key words: I Analyze

Interpreting the Virgo Sign

This Mutable Sign depicts fluidity and changeability as well as adaptability to environment

It's also ruled by Mercury, the messenger of the gods, and so governs human intellect and communicative faculties, practicing both analytical and critical approaches to life.

As the natural ruler of the “House of Health and Service”, there is an urge to improve everything and everyone.

The idealistic nature of this Zodiac Sign commands a critical eye. This is characterized by a ceaseless pursuit to perfect. This may be both a curse and a gift depending on the purpose of action.

In love and relationships Virgo is devoted, charming, sensuous and caring.

The following words describe the darker side of this Zodiac Sign: hyper-critical, pessimistic, destructive, moody and cynical.

Sun in Virgo

The Virgo Sun Sign personality seeks perfection in themselves and everything around them. They can be a bit demanding, but this is because they see all the details like they were looking through a microscope. This gives them an excellent eye for detail, but they may miss the forest for the trees. They are practical, down to earth and good with their hands. They are fastidious and love cleanliness. They tend to be conservative in all areas of their life. On the surface they may appear cold emotionally, but this is usually from their habit of suppressing their natural feelings in the name of control. They are charming and dignified. Intellectually they are inquisitive, logical and methodical. They are excellent at analyzing a problem, no matter how complicated it may be. They are usually modest and self-restrained and more than willing to serve. They have a gift for creating order out of chaos and give of themselves selflessly when others are in need.

Virgo Sun Signs are selective when choosing friends and partners. Because of this, they may be perceived as distant or aloof. An intellectual at heart, it may seem that they aren’t connecting with their feelings; however, they do figure out their feelings by using their heads. People born under this Sign tend to put their relationships in concentric circles, with their intimate and family relationships on the innermost circle, and then close friends, then acquaintances. Those in the outer circles are not subjected to the criticisms that the inner circle are. If you are involved with a Virgo, be prepared for your faults to be brought up eventually. While they may be critical of you, they are even more critical of themselves. They may have difficulty trusting others and may lack confidence in themselves.

Virgo Sun Sign’s creativity tends toward the intellectual or finely detailed. They make excellent architects, engineers, writers, designers or other craftsmen. As artists, they seem to enjoy working in miniature. They are good at math, editing, and they also make great secretaries. They are generally good with money. They watch their pennies carefully and seldom spend without reason.

It can be difficult for a Virgo Sun Sign to delegate, though they are excellent in business in other respects. In fact, they can tackle jobs that overwhelm others and be successful.

They are productive and prefer to stay busy. Their problem solving abilities are amazing, and indeed, this stimulates their intellectual needs.

Virgo Sun Sign can be overly health conscious. Many will choose a career in medicine or health fields to stay abreast of the latest information. They like to compartmentalize everything in their life, so balancing the mind and body is an important part of their life's journey. As students, for example, they will often concentrate so much on their studies that they neglect to eat. They can also be a bit of a hypochondriac if they focus too much on themselves. They tend to be nervous and worry a lot and may be seen as compulsive. They need to take time to relax and let go.

Moon in Virgo

Virgo Moon looks to the little things in life for their happiness and security. They may deny it, but they actually enjoy activities like running errands, taking care of details, and so on. They may complain about it, but as long as they feel appreciated they will do their best to not only take care of themselves, they'll take care of you, too. They will usually be the first to volunteer to help someone else.

They may be a bit low in self-esteem, but many are very happy to have a normal, pedestrian life. Simplicity is their mantra and they feel most at home when they can go through life without a lot of public attention. Because of this, they may be accused of being an underachiever or not setting their sights high enough. In reality, they are easily stressed, and they are much happier when they stay within their comfort level.

Virgo Moon Sign loves routine. They are very unhappy without one, or at least feeling they have a job that is necessary. They may appear fussy or be labeled as a complainer, but they really can't function well without their routine. They do best at jobs that require a lot of detail or micromanaging.

They will show how much they care in small, practical ways like putting away your laundry. Open affection may cause them to pull back a bit, and they are often shy when meeting new people. Once they are comfortable, however they are happy to be themselves. They are trustworthy and reliable and are good sources of advice or help in just about any situation. Their practicality makes them very useful to keep around. They make excellent counselors, as they are very talented at comforting others and making them feel better.

In a relationship, Moon in Virgo can be shy and possibly intimidated. They are very aware of themselves, and when combined with low self-esteem, it can really interfere with forming a normal, healthy relationship. They can end up being too critical of themselves. Once they gain self-confidence, they can be a wonderful partner with a lot to contribute. They tend to keep their own feelings bottled up, which can cause health issues in the long run. Others may see Virgo Moon as cold or unaffectionate, which in most cases is not true. Moon in Virgo is a born skeptic. When faced with blind faith, they can't help but pick at it. They can be frustrating because they insist on finding the practical application to everything. Virgo Moon is full of curiosity, yet seems apathetic at the same time. This can confuse some people. While they can dish out the criticism, they are extremely sensitive to receiving it themselves.

Virgo Moon likes to stay busy, and they are happy as long as their life feels under their control. They may put up invisible barriers to others, whether they realize it or not. They hope that others will put forth the extra effort to get to know them anyway.

Mercury in Virgo

Mercury in Virgo can be a bit high strung when things seem out of control, but they are very good at taking care of practical things. They appreciate it when others give them credit for their intelligence. They are good at organizing, planning and taking care of business. They do best when they know exactly what is expected and are usually willing to lend a hand.

Since they are detail oriented, their friends and coworkers appreciate them. Mercury in Virgo needs a structured learning environment and organized methods of study. They can learn a lot about their chosen profession, but may have difficulties absorbing all of the knowledge on a deep level. They don't see the point in learning something unless it has a practical use. They are resourceful. Mercury in Virgo is very protective about how they handle their every day affairs. They may get impatient with other people, have trouble telling people no, and complain that they get to do all the grunt work.

Mercury in Virgo is logical, and may be critical of others. They have good common sense. They may appear to lack confidence in themselves, which may or may not be true. It is not uncommon for Virgo Mercury to hesitate before acting… not because they are afraid or unsure, but because they are double checking everything in their mind one last time.

They may be thought of as picky, but in actuality they are concerned with accuracy and precision. They are gifted with language and math, but may be shy or withdrawn. They are analytic and exercise good judgment. Virgo Mercury is usually content to stay in the background and orchestrate things.

They are so detail oriented that they may lose sight of the big picture. Despite this, they are good to have on hand during a crisis because they stay calm. They won't lose their head to emotional displays. They are completely self-contained. Virgo Mercury has integrity. They may lose interest in projects that don't seem to have a purpose. Creatively, they stick to practical things. Others find they can relate well to what Virgo Mercury creates.

They have a dry sense of humor, and notice things that other people miss. They are not easily distracted from their task. Mercury in Virgo comes across as sincere and virtuous. Others trust your opinion. They enjoy puzzles and word games that keep them challenged. Reading is often a pursuit they enjoy.

Mercury in Virgo is adaptable, systematic, stable, flexible and exacting. Conversely, they can also be pessimistic, intolerant, sarcastic, critical or whiny.

Venus in Virgo

Venus in Virgo is not the flirtatious kind. They are willing to work on their relationships and dedicate themselves to make them work. They aren't out to show off or impress anyone. While they don't shower their partner with showy gifts, they may actually be more generous with gifts of devotion.

Venus in Virgo will quietly work their way into your heart. They are sensitive, if a little insecure, and many people find this reserved loner very attractive. They usually play it safe and they must know that you like them before they'll make the tiniest move. They are great listeners, and they spend time observing your habits and reactions so they know all the ins and outs of your personality. Like a small child with a crush, they may indicate their interest by being a nuisance. When they criticize, they are not trying to hurt you; however… they are trying to help! They are turned off by boastful people or those who appear to know it all.

To make a Venus in Virgo person happy, show them how much you appreciate all the little things they do for you. They will do a whole lot for their partner in small, quiet ways that are not always noticed. They may need a little space once in awhile. Don't be overbearing or superficial. Virgo Venus really isn't hard to please as long as these basics are addressed. Don't push them into meeting everyone in your address book too quickly. They are shy and not really crowd people. Let them know how valuable they are to you… this means a lot to them. They really pay attention to your needs, so by showing your appreciation, you are meeting their needs.

Someone with Virgo in Venus does not jump into relationships easily. They take time to make themselves important parts of their partner's life. Instead of revealing all in a romantic scene, they tend to be self-restrained and very selective. They can be very critical at times, but you can take comfort in the fact that this most discriminating sign has chosen you for a reason. They don't like people who have habits they dislike, and they appreciate someone who is punctual.

Since Virgo Venus attends to all the practical details of a relationship, you may not know what to do for them. They may have a simple answer for you, but you may still not be clear. Most of these day to day details are not exciting or dramatic. They don't attract a lot of attention, so you may not even notice some of them. Virgo Venus isn't very romantic, and it doesn't take a lot to please them.

In friendship, Virgo Venus likes to be needed and useful. When taken advantage of, however, you may begin to feel unappreciated. They are quiet and analytical, and very choosy who they have for friends.

The Venus in Virgo person comes across as someone who has a lot of integrity. They don't play mind games and their loner personality is intriguing to some people. They have a bit of mystery about them, and they protect their privacy. They are very trustworthy, if a bit aloof.

If you want to win the affection of a Virgo Venus, pay attention to what they do for you and show your appreciation. Dress well and always behave with good manners.

Mars in Virgo

Mars in Virgo has their eye on the goal. They are practical, if a bit scattered at times. This is only because they are doing so many things at once. Even so, they manage to get everything done. They may take on more than they can handle sometimes. They are usually logical and disciplined.

Mars in Virgo can be a bit critical and stubborn at times, but they are not usually aggressive. Be wary of pushing them too far, however, as they can be very difficult when annoyed. They can get nervous easily. They like to do things their way. They are usually very organized and they are not afraid to work hard. They have a nervous kind of energy, and they get restless easily. They don't like to stick to one project for too long.

They make successful careers in the health fields, mostly because they like to help others. They need to feel wanted and useful. Sometimes they can be intolerant and they don't like to get emotional.

Virgo Mars takes their energy from everything they do, whether that is their work, their hobbies or other things. They don't handle idleness well. They are born perfectionists, though they will deny it. They are somewhat shy and humble, but they want to learn and experience new things, so this often helps them overcome any shyness.

When it comes to relationships, Mars in Virgo is subtle. They only shine with their partner in private. They may find it difficult to relax and stop being critical. They need someone who is sensitive to their needs and fits their idea of cleanliness. They don't like one night stands or casual sex. They are often happy to remain chaste until they meet the right person.

While they have a healthy attitude towards sex, they can be a bit insecure. They generally like people who mostly go through life unnoticed. Virgo Mars will do lots of little things for their partner to make them feel appreciated and loved. They are respectful and attentive. Devoted, they will do all they can to please. They are very curious, though they may not do anything about it unless they are with the right partner. They are not as picky or selective as they are often portrayed. They may even prefer a partner who has imperfections so they can care and nurture them. All in all, Mars in Virgo can be a great partner for anyone who doesn't need high drama or emotional release in their relationship.

Jupiter in Virgo

Jupiter in Virgo is luckiest when they are honest, helpful, practical, orderly and pay attention to all the details. They do well in service to others, nutrition, and health.

Virgo Jupiter is a realist. They need to visualize results to feel motivated to go after them. They are not easily lured into scams. They don't like to take risks. While they need direction, goals and strong plans, they appreciate the results at the end.

Jupiter in Virgo likes a solid routine. It helps them feel productive and in harmony. They have high standards set for themselves. Disciplined and discriminating, Jupiter in Virgo can help others to refine their lives and live better. They have a sense of grace. They are known for lending a hand when it is needed. They are good at analyzing problems and puzzles.

Jupiter in Virgo is detail oriented, which can slow them down on large projects. They are cautious, practical and scientific. They may be rather cynical at times. This is definitely the person you want with you in an emergency, however.

Virgo Jupiter prefers the simple life. Their values promote the basics of life, such as honesty and hard work. They make great progress sticking to their morals and values. The fastest way to lose their good fortune is to take on more than they can handle. Their perfectionist ways can hinder them as much as help them. They can become overwhelmed if they are not careful. On the negative side, they may also become petty, overly critical and irritable.

They are talented with literature, science and technical skills. These skills help expand Jupiter in Virgo’s world and bring them many opportunities. Their efficiency and focus can be difficult to get used to in some cases. They love to research and make excellent librarians. They appreciate education and want all they can get.

Saturn in Virgo

Saturn in Virgo is practical and a hard worker. They can be very serious. They are good at researching, strategizing and record-keeping. Trivial details may distract them. They are cautious and conservative, planning well for the future. They may be self-critical and undervalue their own talents. Despite what they tend to think, you don't need to be perfect to be successful.

Virgo Saturn shuns the limelight. Shy and reserved, they are timid in public. They may have obsessive compulsive traits or fears to deal with. Routine and order are important components in their lives. They may get so caught up in the details, however that they lose sight of the big picture. This can lead to frustration. Learning disabilities may occur. They may stay isolated. They can discourage themselves and others from trying new projects.

Virgo Saturn likes to control their environment. If they can get over losing control of it, they can express the creativity that lurks within. They are very responsible and may have talents at repairing things. They are concerned with health, nutrition and hygiene.

The lesson set before Saturn in Virgo is discrimination: they need to learn how to decide what is important and what isn't. They need to learn to curb their criticism and work on their sense of humor. Their precision and accuracy will be prized in any field that requires detailed work. They do well in science, mathematics, medicine, and engineering, among others.

Physically, issues may arise with the abdominal area, especially the small intestine. Their digestion can be delicate at times. They may become preoccupied with how the body works. Saturn in Virgo is very observant. They are capable of abstaining from many things in order to reach their goals. If they have problems dealing with life, they can develop nervous problems. They need to learn to obsess and worry less about unimportant details and focus on those of importance.

Uranus in Virgo

Uranus in Virgo can be very original, with a strong scientific and mechanical talent. They may have a strong sense of intuition. Many have a good head for business, which will make them successful financially. They may also be afflicted by many ailments, or become a hypochondriac. They may have difficulties dealing with employers or suffer other limits to their ambitions.

Uranus in Virgo may find a great career in government or in the public eye. They are interested in new techniques for health, the environment and hygiene. They have a talent for helping heal the soil, air or water that they may not realize. They could just as easily teach, go into engineering or be a CEO in a field they are interested in. Scientific oddities are interesting to them, as are historical curiosities.

Virgo Uranus is quiet on the outside, but they can impress others with their sense of control. Inside they may be literally seething with curiosity. They are independent, and somewhat eccentric. Their intellectual capacity is excellent.

Virgo Uranus is interested in the healing power of nature and the power of the mind. They may be into the organic movement, even if is just because they have their own little garden in the back yard. They have good powers of analysis, and make good researchers or scientists. They want to help the common person, struggling to make ends meet. Alternate lifestyles appeal to them, and they have a talent for salvaging almost anything. They spend a lot of time caring for others, and relax by working.

Uranus in Virgo seeks to improve their work one detail at a time. They are attracted to both the newest technologies and what is most natural. This can create a conflict, because part of them believes that what is new is the best, while another part teaches them that what is natural is best.

Neptune in Virgo

Neptune in Virgo is concerned with health and nutrition. They may wish to help feed the hungry or heal the sick. They may bring health consciousness to the attention of others, or they may become hypochondriacs and worry about every germ and disease. They are interested in anything new that will heal others, especially if it has mystical or non-physical applications.

Neptune in Virgo has a great fondness for family and their home. They idealize the dream of having a snug cottage surrounded by their children and grandchildren. Physical security is important to them. If you happen to prefer solitude, others may feel sorry for you when there is no need. The natural world is important to Virgo Neptune, who knows it holds many secrets to health.

Virgo Neptune may feel a need to overcome negativity that they believe causes disease and discomfort. They may emphasize the connection between emotions and physical health to others. They may lose themselves in the pursuit of serving others. They may be critical of any who do not share their opinions.

Neptune in Virgo possesses the mental faculties of inspiration, prophesy, and high standards. They can be spiritual at times. They are concerned with environmental hazards, nutrition-less foods and pollution. They have a very strong sense of what is right and what is wrong. They follow their own strict code of ethics and moral judgment. They may appear conservative or straight-laced. They must be cautious not to lose the big picture because they get lost in minor details. This is even easier to do today with computers. It is easy to lose oneself on the computer.

Pluto in Virgo

1956-1972 (Generation Jones)

Pluto in Virgo finds it difficult to leave things alone if they think they can improve upon it. They are very inventive. They often find their own ways to communicate. This can actually become a bit of an obsession.

They are good at organizing things, and sometimes get so involved with this they lose their emotional and ethical selves in the process.

Virgo Pluto is interested in health and work. They often prefer to stay in the background rather than seek the spotlight. They may want to save the world. They are not afraid to start from the ground up to create healing for themselves, others around them, and the earth. They are content to know they did their best.

Pluto in Virgo can be analytical and critical. At the same time, they fear criticism from others. They feel better when they are in service to mankind. They are practical and enjoy art and other visual treats. They are interested in science, technology, and healing. They like precision in all things. They may appear cynical.

Virgo Pluto is modest and self-effacing. They want security, but don't feel the same impulse to do whatever it takes. They may take unusual routes for healthcare, nutrition and well-being, but it works for them. They are willing to sacrifice their own desires to serve the community at large.

Barak Obama, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Brad Pitt, Michael Jackson and Princess Diana all had/have the Virgo Pluto Sign.

Vigo glyph