
Venus glyph Venus represents the qualities of love, romance, sensuality, culture, beauty, affection and social appeal. It is further associated with the principles of harmony, balance, feelings given and returned, and the urge to sympathize and unite with others. It is involved with the desire for pleasure, sensuality, personal possessions, comfort, and ease. It governs romantic relations, marriage and business partnerships, sex, the arts, fashion, and social life. Venus represents the area of our personalities where we determine how we can incorporate others into our lives. The Planet Venus is very important in aspects of love; influencing how you attract love as well as how you act in a relationship.

Venus Signs

The Venus sign is determined by calculating which constellation Venus was in front of at the time of a person's birth. Sometimes a persons Venus Sign will be the same as their Sun Sign, or different, as is the case with any planetary sign. Your Venus sign, sometimes called a Love Sign, is never more than two signs away from your Sun Sign. Thi is because Venus and Earth's orbits around the Sun are very close together. By reading your Love Sign interpretation you may find answers to why you act so differently than your Sun Sign dictates when you are in love. You'll notice when you fall in love that these attributes become more noticeable.

Knowing the Venus Signs of the people with whom you are involved can give insights as to how you can properly treat the relationships, so that you will know what the person values. [ Of course, you can always ask ;) ] Before you seek to understand others, however, you must understand yourself.

Each of the four elements found in the Zodiac will also influence your Venus Sign. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are all Fire Signs, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are Earth Signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are Air Signs and Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are Water Signs. Each Sign in an Element takes a different angle on the general ways we interact with others.

Each individual Sign within these elements take these generalized characteristics and put their own twist to them. Take a look at how you behave when you're in love. You'll see aspects of yourself you may not have understood before.

You may think that all the characteristics for your Venus love Sign do not fit you. Perhaps that is true: remember, each of your Signs is tempered by the others. If you really look at yourself and how you behave, you are sure to find at least some of the characteristics for your Venus Sign that describes you to a tee and hopefully you’ll understand why you do the things you do in the name of love.

If you don't know your Venus sign, the only way to find out is to consult a Astrological table.

Calculate your venus sign .

Venus glyph

What are you?

Venus in Aries Venus in Taurus Venus in Gemini
Venus in Cancer Venus in Leo Venus in Virgo
Venus in Libra Venus in Scorpio Venus in Sagittarius
Venus in Capricorn Venus in Aquarius Venus in Pisces