
Jupiter symbol In the overall scheme of things, Jupiter Signs are associated with luck and good fortune. Jupiter is optimistic, has a great sense of humor and is full of good will and mercy. Generous and tolerant, Jupiter helps improve one's life.

Take your clues from your Jupiter Sign on when to trust fate and when to rely on your own devices. Just as the physical planet gives off more heat than it absorbs from the Sun, a person favored with Jupiter can be inspired by their own internal source. Wealth, of all kinds, emanates from Jupiter.

If you find Jupiter is not favorable to you, you may find yourself making your own luck. Words used to describe Jupiter may be generosity, blessings, prosperity, optimism, lucky breaks, hope, honor, gratitude, morality and expansion.

Philosophers and religious gurus have a very prominent Jupiter. This planet likes to think, and people who are well aspected here can formulate abstract concepts more easily. Those who are willing to go to the ends of the earth for answers are following Jupiter's path, for long distance travel also falls under this planet's influence! Jupiter assesses our ethical and moral values, and heps us create our own ideologies.

Jupiter Signs

Our Jupiter sign also colors how we absorb new ideas, cultures, people and passions. Thus, Jupiter rules higher learning, and both intellectual and spiritual ideas.

Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius, and thus covers many of this sign's attributes. For those who were born during the rest of the year, it may highlight your own personal spiritual quest.

Optimism, faith and adventure may await you if you learn to understand your Jupiter Sign’s call. Jupiter would like nothing better than to help you find your highest fulfillment and happiness in life. The trick is to understand how to spot your opportunities and when to take advantage of them for the best results. Sports and leisure is Jupiter's other passion, as well as games of chance and relaxation. Occupations of people with strong Jupiter aspects include doctors, healers, lawyers, judges, politicians and the civil service. Other occupations, if they include interactions with other people and a high level of thought, like detective, designer, or engineer, can also be very rewarding.

On the negative side, Jupiter can cause one to become lazy and prone to gaining weight, and if bad habits start to form they can be very difficult to fix. Usually, however, Jupiter would rather help you than hinder you.

As you can see, Jupiter does a LOT. It makes sense, seeing as takes up a lot of space in our solar system! (At least, compared to the other planets.) If you learn how to work with your Jupiter Sign, you should get the feeling that your life is unfolding as it is destined to, and you should find your happiness along the way. This planet can be very beneficial if you know where to look in your life.

You can find your Jupiter sign here.

Jupiter symbol

What are you?

Jupiter in Aries Jupiter in Taurus Jupiter in Gemini
Jupiter in Cancer Jupiter in Leo Jupiter in Virgo
Jupiter in Libra Jupiter in Scorpio Jupiter in Sagittarius
Jupiter in Capricorn Jupiter in Aquarius Jupiter in Pisces