
Leo glyph

Leo is the fifth Sign of the Zodiac circle. It’s represented by the Lion, signifying power and notability.

Planetary ruler: Sun Affiliated with: House 5
Duality: Assertive Color: Gold, Orange and Bright Yellow
Modality: Fixed Anatomy: Back and Heart
Element: Fire Key words: I Will

Interpreting the Leo Sign

This Sign is driven by the influence of the Sun, which encourages developing and expressing creativity, personal power and leadership abilities.

As the Sun is the center of our universe it is therefore understandable why this Zodiac Sign predictably enjoys being the center of attention.

This Sign’s expression is always striking and magnanimous. Dramatic, romantic and faithful are just a few of the characteristics that comprise a positive Leo.

As the natural ruler of the “House of Pleasure”, it is associated with fun, love, creativity, children and games of chance.

In their relations with others, this Zodiac Sign is open, earnest and heartfelt.

The following words describe the darker side of Leo: pompous, dogmatic, patronizing, bossy, interfering, and intolerant.

Sun in Leo

The charismatic center of attention, the Leo Sun Sign personality is ambitious, dominant and full of confidence. A born leader, they are most comfortable when they are in charge, and they bring out a strong sense of loyalty in their followers. Strong-willed and independent, they often place themselves in the center ring. They may be philosophical and spiritual, even if they aren't necessarily religious. They dream big, but have a practical follow-through that inspires confidence in others. They thrive on adversity, and are idealistic. They like to make an indelible first impression. Whether that is with fashion or by choosing a gaudy appearance one won't soon forget, depends on the individual. When they get what they want, they return friendship, warmth and loyalty to those around them.

Without direction, Leo Sun Sign can be arrogant or overly controlling. Their challenge, therefore, is to conquer their own powerful nature. They can be stubborn and temperamental. Change is difficult to adjust to for them, at least at first. If jealous, they do not hesitate to use trickery or cunning to defeat their rivals. Possible negative traits include being self-centered, boastful, snobbish and disdainful. Luckily, they are usually quick to notice how others see them, and they may be able to adapt to a more likable persona. They can be their own worst enemy when they go too far trying to get attention. It may actually turn away those they hope to attract.

They are also loyal and devoted, especially in romantic relationships. At the same time, they may have numerous love affairs just because of the sensual pleasure involved. They like lots of affection and can be intensely enthusiastic. If rejected in love, they can be as ice. Once they give up on a relationship, there is no going back. They have a gregarious personality and hold marriage, family and children close to heart. They want to be the king or queen of the house and they will strive to be the best they can be. Their home will be a showplace as they use it as a backdrop for their perfect family. If you put your Leo on a pedestal, they will do all they can to keep you happy. If you try to take control, you may cause a power struggle that may end the entire relationship.

Professionally, the Leo Sun Sign does well at any occupation where they have room to advance. Politicians, managers, organizers, doctors, lawyers, teachers and project leaders are frequent career choices. Any job with a prestigious title may be attractive to them. Performing and painting may appeal to artistic Leos. They are good motivators for their team or subordinates. This Sun Sign usually does well with finances, if they manage to control their spending. They believe that looking successful will attract success. This can cause them to overspend at the wrong time or to be extravagant to stroke their ego.

The Leo Sun Sign personality responds well to compliments. If a loved one disappoints them, they are quickly disillusioned. They are extremely sensitive to criticism, and are slow to forgive. Intelligent and motivated, they work hard to make those around them comfortable as long as they feel appreciated.

Moon in Leo

Leo Moon likes to be the center of attention… when they are comfortable in the situation. They may do a lot of entertaining at home and they have a great sense of comic timing. Those born with the Moon in Leo are talented organizers, and may bring that out to the point of trying to organize and control their friends and family. They want to create and entertain… although they may end up being too lazy to actually put things together as often as they would like. Their natural bossiness helps them be good at delegating chores to others, although deep down they really want to treat others fairly.

Leo Moon needs a lot of love to do well in the world. They can be overly dramatic if they feel slighted, and they are prone to sulking. Luckily, they prefer to perform their scenes in the privacy of their home. Public displays may hurt their image. They would rather appear dignified in public, since social status is everything. They may be a bit vain or snobbish, but they are very loyal.

They are usually popular and sociable, and they have a lot of integrity. Their sense of justice is strong, and they are usually easy to reason with. They are passionate, but may tend towards exaggeration. They can get so caught up in a moment that they may do or say things that later won't be remembered. They can be generous to a fault; in fact, it can become overwhelming to the recipient at times. They can't stand ingratitude, so if you are the one being showered with generosity, express your thanks.

Pride is Leo Moon's downfall. Their ego pushes them to take charge of everything, which may make them appear domineering. They are attracted to power and status. Stubbornness is a trait that helps them get what they want. At the same time, they can be very idealistic and make great personal sacrifices if they believe in a cause.

They are protective of their own and others' freedoms. In a relationship, they may be on the jealous side, even if they are not really possessive. When they go through a break-up, they may feel more pain to their ego rather than their heart.

The Leo Moon Sign may be graced with artistic ability, or they may just be interested in the arts in some fashion. They have a natural air of authority coupled with dignity. Leo Moon is not a big risk taker unless they know they'll come out on top. They don't like to fail in front of others.

Those born under the Moon Sign Leo do not take advice well, though they are happy to give it. They have a lot in common with the cat… they feel they are always right and no one should tell them what to do. They may be materialistic, but they accept responsibility with grace and honor. They can face adversity without falling apart, and when fortune smiles upon them, they are always willing to share.

Mercury in Leo

Mercury in Leo speaks with style and authority. Some may come across as know-it-alls, but they really just want to share their knowledge with everyone else. They have a talent for seeing the big picture; but may miss the details. They are very persuasive, using warmth and goodwill. They know how to promote their ideas and get their message to the masses.

They hold their opinions very dear and take pride in their beliefs. They tend to be idealistic. Mercury in Leo has a good intellect, and they love to express themselves. In fact, creativity is very important to them. They excel in presenting themselves with drama and style. Passionate and enthusiastic when speaking, Mercury Leo is usually successful in getting their point across.

They may be oversensitive to anything they consider less than praise. They can appear rather arrogant due to their natural detachment. Mercury in Leo has their ego tied to their intellect, which sometimes makes it difficult for them to separate fact from fiction. They may be considered boastful.

Mercury in Leo is wonderful at story telling because their sense of drama is so well developed. Performing or public speaking are both good outlets for their creativity. They have a strong will power and stick to their purpose.

They make natural leaders and people are inclined to follow them because of their charisma. Leo Mercury can be stubborn, especially when crossed. They follow their passions, acting spontaneously in the moment.

In social situations, Leo Mercury's warmth is contagious and they make friends easily. When they get interested in someone and their potential, they turn their attention to developing that potential. If their heart is not in a project, it shows. They are quick witted and take intuitive leaps when thinking on their feet. They may take disagreements personally since everything they do is attached to their ego. They seek recognition for their ideas, so it is difficult for them to participate in brainstorming or other group activities.

If there is a chance to be in the spotlight, Leo Mercury is your person. They are happy to soak up the glory. They are never boring, and always "onstage." They may exaggerate at times, but they are very convincing and entertaining. They make excellent teachers, enthralling their students no matter what their age. Besides performing, they also do well in politics, coaching or other leadership roles. They do not enjoy a job where they have no voice in making decisions or any creative input.

Mercury in Leo needs to watch out for false pride, intolerance, being full of themselves and needed praise for everything they do. While their need for admiration is evident, they do deserve it a good portion of the time.

Venus in Leo

Leo Venus likes to brag about their relationship. They can be demanding of their partner because they love to be courted and have a need to feel special. Warm and generous, the Venus in Leo person is very loyal, although they still enjoy attention from the opposite sex. They are Leo, after all! They will tell their partner about all the flirtations… they want to brag about it! Chances are the flirtations are harmless. If you have an innocent flirtation however, watch out! Leo Venus will not be happy about it.

Leo Venus has high expectations of their partner, though as long as they know your attention is on them, they are very generous. If their relationship seems stale or settled, they may feel threatened. Being treated indifferently or impersonally also makes them feel insecure.

While sex is important for the person with Venus in Leo, feeling loved is even more so. They have difficulty separating the two. They need to know how wonderful they are. If you respect and appreciate them, they will never lose interest in you. You may need to give them little reminders once in awhile that your feelings matter, too. If you are feeling jealous, let them know. This affirms that you still find them attractive. They are enamored of that first stage of love when two people can't get enough of each other and want it to last forever.

The Venus in Leo person is affectionate and adoring. They may hang onto a relationship much longer than they should because they have invested their ego into it. They are a born romantic and love to play up their emotions. If they are not confident in themselves in love, they are good at faking it. They love to be given the royal treatment on a date.

In friendship, Leo Venus is attracted to colorful people. They don't feel much interest in those who appear dull or lifeless. They make generous friends who will cheer you on in all your endeavors. They like to plan elaborate celebrations and like children.

Leo Venus is a wonderful performer, but they also do well behind the scenes. They like being in the spotlight and don't like to be isolated. They have a courage that allows them to take charge and shine. They have a great imagination. They have a lust for life that guarantees a lifetime of fun, romance and excitement. They like to live lavishly and demand attention. They have a sunny, outgoing personality that attracts many friends, acquaintances and lovers. They are not too concerned about what others think of them. They are easy to forgive. They tend to listen to their heart and don't bother to lower themselves to the level that others may be showing.

If you are attracted to a Leo Venus, they like to show off and be the center of attention. They need to know they are attractive and appreciated. Be thoughtful and show how much you care about them through your gestures. They like to be social and part of the crowd, so be prepared to spend time out and about, not sitting at home.

Mars in Leo

Mars in Leo wants to be significant and create a lasting impression. They are passionate and strong-willed. They are willing to take risks and have ambitions to "be someone." They have a strong sense of authority and personal magnetism.

Mars in Leo is impatient with those who are disloyal or narrow minded. They are idealistic, and if they get humiliated, they are quick to defend their principles. They follow their heart. They take pride in everything they do because their ego gets involved with every situation.

Mars in Leo has a lot of physical energy, but they do fine intellectually and they are fairly practical. They are confident and self-sufficient. Their vitality is noticeable. They can be very dramatic, and they can be very successful performers. They are determined to succeed at whatever they strive for, and they make excellent leaders.

They may be overbearing with their own opinions. They can be domineering and stubborn. Pride can be their downfall. On the other hand, they are playful, have a good sense of humor, and are full of warmth. They want to leave a legacy through their actions. They are generous and romantic. Leo Mars is friendly and exuberant, if a bit impulsive.

In relationships, they are affectionate and demonstrative. They love the excitement of a new love affair. They like to be the center of attention in the bedroom as much as they like it in the other areas of their life. Mars in Leo is very dramatic, and they enjoy opulent surroundings. They are passionate and charming. They don't like competition in the bedroom or with past lovers. They are faithful, and expect to be treated the same way. While they do pay attention to their partner, their primary concern is their own enjoyment. They may be possessive or jealous, but they may try to hide this. Leo Mars is not above testing their partner. They may try to pull the wool over your eyes from time to time. They may come across too strong at times or get impatient, but they are open and direct.

Mars in Leo brings a lot of fun and romance to a relationship, and they appreciate a partner who reciprocates in kind. Their enthusiasm may be a bit overwhelming for some people. When their ego becomes involved in the relationship, it can disrupt an otherwise happy situation. They want to be happy and settled with someone they can have a fun, romantic relationship with.

Jupiter in Leo

Jupiter in Leo attracts luck when they are generous and inspire others around them. They need to present themselves with dignity and sincerity, and try very hard to not let their ego get in the way. They prosper when they can be creative, such as in the entertainment field, or working with children or recreation.

Jupiter in Leo has strong opinions and beliefs. They can take it personally when others disagree with them. They are good at making their own opportunities and they do best when taking calculated risks confidently. They are drawn to interesting people, and can be quite memorable themselves.

Leo Jupiter must have a way to play. Holidays, romance and celebrations renew their spirit. They may have talents in the arts, drama, teaching or as a community leader. They shine when they are the center of attention, and come across as confident and cultivated. They are optimistic and enjoy a healthy constitution. They love to show off their status and wealth. People trust them.

Leo Jupiter may gamble too much, or be offended if they are not automatically accorded the respect and admiration which they feel they deserve. They can be a bit melodramatic and play to the audience a bit much, but this is why so many people love them. Their charisma brings them good fortune. The enthusiasm they show attracts success and attention wherever they go. Rejection just rolls off of them. They may tend to exaggerate.

Dignified and honest, Jupiter in Leo needs honor and social status to feel self-worth. Social importance means a lot to them. They have a good sense of humor. They are open to exploring new things. They are self-reliant, courageous and full of vitality. On the other hand, they may become extravagant, ostentatious and self-centered. They may make rash judgments. If they don't watch their weight, they may have issues with the heart.

Saturn in Leo

Saturn in Leo has a strong need for recognition. They clearly want to be the leader. They have a lot of creative talent, but find it difficult to express it. They expect a lot from themselves and others. They are the disciplinarian at home. Children may seem burdensome to them. They have a limited sense of humor, and appear very cautious and reserved.

Leo Saturn can undermine their goals by undervaluing themselves. This attitude of inferiority can sabotage all they work towards. Their feelings of jealousy and lack of spontaneity can push others away. They often put up a coldness towards others to protect themselves emotionally. Their challenge is to connect with others and find value within themselves.

Leo Saturn can, with success, become the childlike innocent who is as old as the hills, full of wisdom. They can be the successful politician who works their way up through the ranks. They are admired and loved, even though they don't feel comfortable in the spotlight.

Saturn in Leo is strong-willed. They need to work on expressing their love for others and their humility. Cooperation may be a challenge for them. They may be over-cautious. Life challenges them to properly use their personal power, creativity and ego. They will be faced with challenges in parenting, social life, romance and control. If they learn to successfully deal with these issues, they will have a joyful life full of vitality and spontaneity.

Physically, Saturn in Leo may be prone to issues of the heart, spine and back. This may be heart disease, circulation problems or other issues. They may resist authority if they perceive it comes from outside of themselves. They may need to work on themselves a bit to grow. Humbling experiences may play a role in their becoming a better person. They need to let go of their ego and listen to their higher Self.

Uranus in Leo

Uranus in Leo is determined, impatient and rebellious. They don't care about traditions. Their strong personalities are assertive, and they often rub other people the wrong way. They have original ideas and are very inventive. They have talent in the educational and journalistic fields, as well as in entertainment.

Uranus in Leo can be inconstant in love, often finding someone new before they've finished with the last. Courtship is usually fun and runs smoothly. They may have abrupt endings to their relationships, which may be the result of their own prejudices. They often suffer loss and sorrow with those they care about.

Leo Uranus wants to be distinguished in their career and be known as an exceptional individual. They are natural leaders, though they need to learn to control their temper. They often dash off into new adventures, heedless of the danger that may exist. They are a bit arrogant, and their mind is always working on new schemes and ideas. They need to beware of letting their ego grow too much. Taking their own creativity too seriously can disrupt their plans. Seeking the spotlight may complicate things.

Uranus in Leo can be full of spirited fun or be strong willed. Some need to get their own way at all costs until they learn the lesson of self-mastery and begin to serve a higher purpose. They have much vitality, passion and insight. They enjoy being unique and outspoken. They may be a bit overdramatic, but it is in their nature. They often come up with unique approaches to parenting, sex and husbandry.

Uranus in Leo has the potential to turn the world on its ear if all works out correctly. They can become prominent, showing their innate genius and using it to make a huge difference. Leo Uranus may also live a quieter life within their own circles, using their passions on smaller issues.

Neptune in Leo

Neptune in Leo is creative and has a natural flair for entertainment, film, theatre and fashion. They have such magnetism that others are easily influenced by them. They are flamboyant and extravagantly idealistic.

Leo Neptune is generous, sociable and warm-hearted. They are fond of pleasurable pursuits. They have artistic abilities and are successful in their educational careers. They are conscientious with others and usually have successful relationships. Alternatively, they can be disappointed in love. They can act by impulse rather than intellect. They may lack the wherewithal to face up to challenges or be fickle.

Neptune in Leo loves color and drama. They like movie stars and other famous people. They may project their fantasies on their partner, and they will have to learn to face reality. They may use movies or theatre to escape reality.

They also love children. In fact, they have a difficult time identifying with any adult authority figure, even they are the adult. They can get so off track that they can think they are fighting against tyranny when they are, in fact, the tyrant themselves. They are creative problem solvers, however. They can figure out answers that will get them out of trouble and come out smelling like a rose.

Some whom are born with Leo in Neptune feel that the world owes them automatic appreciation. If they have any common sense, they will keep this to themselves. If not, they may find out that the world feels differently. Leo Neptune is usually popular, and will have many followers. Their natural charisma makes them into a beacon to those inclined to admire those who lead.

Pluto in Leo

1937-1958 (Baby Boomers)

Pluto in Leo seems to always find themselves in situations which challenge them to take positive action. This helps them grow. They want to take over the

leadership and help others know how pure their motives are. They think they know what is best for everyone concerned. They also want to be appreciated for their efforts.

It may help Leo Pluto if they could detach themselves a little from their goals to get some perspective. They often miss the big picture. They are obsessed with expressing themselves. They are not afraid to defy authority on any level. They splurge on the things they want, not the things they need. They want to be a part of a community, but they also want to be free to be whatever they want. They know how to play. They often suffer from egotism.

Pluto in Leo is optimistic and enthusiastic. They may enjoy gambling because the risk is fun and exciting. They like romance, entertainment and pleasure of all sorts. They have a need to be seen, to be remembered and to be noticed. They are flamboyant and colorful. They can be self-indulgent in their quest for fame and glory. They may reach their greatest pinnacles of self-discovery when in the midst of creative expression.

Bill Gates, Bruce Willis, Harrison Ford, Bill Clinton and Elton John all have the Leo Pluto Sign.

Leo glyph