
scorpio glyph

Scorpio is the eighth Sign of the Zodiac circle. Its symbol the Scorpion represents danger and/or eroticism.

Planetary ruler: Pluto Affiliated with: House 8
Duality: Passive Color: Dark red and Black
Modality: Fixed Anatomy: Genitals
Element: Water Key words: I want

Interpreting the Scorpio Sign

As the natural ruler of the “House of Others’ Resources”, Scorpio governs over sex, death, and other peoples’ money.

The energies associated with Pluto, the Sign’s ruling planet, are power, death, rebirth, transformation and thoughts that reside in the darkest recesses of our mind; thoughts that we may be ashamed and shocked to have. This Zodiac Sign is aware and accepts this dark side of the world.

All cruelty springs from weakness and this Sign possesses an almost psychic ability to understand and use this weakness; whether for positive or negative purposes. Individuals who rise above the negative can use its abilities for the benefit of mankind.

An enlightened Scorpio can be truly compassionate and understanding when it comes to the struggles and hardships faced by others.

In intimate relationships they’re passionate, seductive, sensual and very demonstrative.

The following words describe the darker side of this Zodiac Sign: obsessive-compulsive, secretive, inflexible, perverted and even sadistic.

Sun in Scorpio

Scorpio Sun Sign is the sign of transformation. Intense and profound, they are intelligent, affable and courteous. They are self-reliant and in control, but underneath they are full of emotional energy. The Scorpio Sun Sign personality may be magnetic and even somewhat hypnotic. They can emulate the phoenix and seem to perish, only to be reborn and attain new heights.

Sun Sign Scorpio are imaginative and have strong powers of reason. They are adept at using their intuition, and have a good handle on critical and analytical skills. They can be obsessive, which can give them the potential for genius. They may give the impression of being aloof or withdrawn when in truth they don't miss a single detail of what is happening around them. Nothing is forgotten; it is merely filed away to be used when it is most advantageous.

This talent can be very helpful in business. Being able to keep their assets hidden until they are needed is a Scorpio trait. They do well in jobs that require analyzing, such as investigation, research, espionage, the military, science, mysteries, medicine, law or psychology, and if a job offers prestige and money, so much the better. They can also be cold and calculating, and may be ruthless in the pursuit of power. They may be overly demanding, unforgiving and unreasonable. As employees they tend to keep to themselves and do their work. They are low-maintenance and industrious. If they do something kind for a co-worker or someone in need, chances are they will do so anonymously.

The negative side of their personality can be intimidating, revengeful and manipulative. They model the extremes of behavior, and can be very jealous. They can be rebellious, and those who get into political extremism can make the most ruthless terrorists. They can be brooding, aggressive and arrogant, and some indulge in sadistic brutality. On the other hand, those born under this Sign may be a fan of procrastination and be a bit self-indulgent. This can happen in part because they can get so overwhelmed that they just shut down. Their directness can be overly critical or hurtful. They can be loners… they don't need a lot of social interaction to make them happy. On the positive side they are disciplined, have great willpower, and are very sensitive. They have a depth of character that can be inspiring. When they give you a compliment, it is an honest assessment. They make a loyal friend, but don't ever betray them, for they find it difficult to forgive.

Scorpio Sun Signs are loving and loyal to their partners. They're passionate and revel in a relationship that returns that passion. They can also lose themselves to pleasure and forget about the rest. If they get too deeply hurt, they may just turn themselves off emotionally and become celibate. Many Scorpio Sun Sign relationships are stormy, but extremely exciting. Interestingly, numerous "star-crossed" lovers have a Scorpio component, especially if there is a tragic aspect.

Moderation is also difficult for the Scorpio Sun Sign but very necessary. They need to maintain a healthy diet with a little exercise; if they overdo their exercise or sports, they may end up hurting themselves.

Moon in Scorpio

Scorpio Moon lives for emotional intensity. They have the ability to see through anyone right to their innermost feelings. This can be disturbing to some people and intriguing for others. They have a need for change and rebirth. Their life may be full of drama and upheaval which they feel is out of their control. But if their life begins to feel "normal" they are the first one to create some test for someone in their life just to create excitement. Emotional drama fulfills them.

Scorpio Moon wants it all… they don't do anything halfway or waste their time with meaningless relationships. They want commitment. They may also expect their partner to give up something for them, although they have a deep fear of betrayal. They may test their partners, even if they don't mean to. They come off as being suspicious, although once they have committed themselves to a partner; they are extremely loyal and protective.

Scorpio Moon has a great presence, even when they are shy. They need to spend a lot of time learning to control their emotions. They are very intuitive, but they may be inclined to use it for their own gains. They are passionate and fearless. Those with a Moon in Scorpio in their charts are excellent astrologers, or they may just have a strong interest in the occult and the unusual. They make good psychologists because they are good at understanding the intricacies of the mind.

Moon Sign Scorpio can be intimidating and are difficult to scare or shock. They have the ability to size up a person or a situation in a matter of seconds. Their powers can be used for good or evil, as the saying goes… and many times it depends on how they were raised as children. Those who were manipulated or deprived will not open up to others, while those raised in a nurturing environment will most likely be mild-tempered and easy to get along with. They can be jealous, possessive and self-indulgent. They can also be rather destructive, both to themselves and others. On the good side, they can be vulnerable, intelligent and ambitious.

Scorpio Moon is tenacious, and once they want something, they are like the dog that won't let go. Their stubbornness can stand in their own way at times, or it can help them overcome bad habits. They tend to be emotional, materialistic, sensual and secretive. They are also very creative. Their fighting spirit is strong and it is difficult for them to admit defeat. They can be fiercely competitive, especially with those of their own sex. With the opposite sex, they can often be wrapped around the other person's little finger, wanting to indulge that person's every whim. They could use a little balance in their life in this area.

Charismatic, Scorpio Moon attracts many, and must exercise caution so they are not tempted into multiple relationships. They don't like to be criticized. They are seldom mainstream in their ideals and don't always conform to all of society's rules.

Mercury in Scorpio

Mercury in Scorpio likes to get to the heart of things… and they are very good at it. They are talented at seeing the truth and they are fearless about going where others fear to tread. A human surveillance camera, Scorpio Mercury can see through almost subterfuge. They hate superficiality. They may come across as suspicious and negative.

Mercury in Scorpio is passionate, and this comes through when they communicate. They usually want to help others, and may even share some of the insights they have… as long as they are about other people, not themselves. Their observation skills are beyond the pale, and more often than not have seen something others have missed.

Mercury in Scorpio is all about strategy. They are smart and work by instinct. While they may think they are helping in a constructive manner, their criticism may come across as negative instead. Don't try to win an argument with Scorpio Mercury… it is very hard to do. They have a need to win, intellectually and literally.

They are loyal to the bone, and will defend anyone they care about to their last breath. They are also good motivators. They are good at keeping secrets, especially their own. They are also good at digging out the secrets of others. They make excellent detectives, investigators or researchers. They love mystery and intrigue. Science is intriguing to them. Anything that challenges their brain will keep them occupied. Mercury in Scorpio likes to figure out what makes people tick.

They are not very tactful, and will often say what they are thinking. They can have a very sharp tongue. Stubborn and tenacious, Scorpio Mercury will hang onto a subject until they are satisfied. They have a very emotional approach that may prejudice them. This makes it difficult for them to be objective.

If they have no interest in a subject, they will do all they can to avoid it. This can be difficult in school and other times when some subjects must be addressed.

Mercury in Scorpio has a keen understanding of human nature. What may seem obvious to them may make others puzzled. This sign brings out an intensity that others can't help but notice. It is not uncommon for people to either love Scorpio Mercury or hate them. Psychic talents may appear with this sign. They are often interested in mystical and paranormal subjects. They may be drawn to the arts, showing the darker side of human nature through their work. They can be manipulative and controlling at times, and they like to possess those around them that they care about. They feel it is a way to protect those they love. While they do not hesitate to explore the dark secrets of others, they tend to avoid it with themselves. It may be that they seek answers in others as a way to face what is deep within themselves.

Venus in Scorpio

Scorpio Venus is intense and deep. They have a strong willingness to commit to a relationship, and they will only accept all or nothing. They are totally dedicated and focused on you, and they come across as being fearless. They crave intimacy, and are capable of loving someone very deeply. Scorpio Venus possesses their partner, and makes the partner want to be possessed.

They have the ability to give their partner their complete attention. This can be flattering to some people, while totally unnerving to others. While they probably won't admit it, a Venus in Scorpio person has a need to control their partner and the relationship. Their obsession may take all the fun out of the relationship. They take everything to the extreme, which can be attractive, but it can be overwhelming. While a person with a Venus in Scorpio will want to know every detail about you, they won't be so forthcoming with information about themselves.

If Scorpio Venus is upset, watch out. They can either explode with anger, or make you wish you were dead by the look they give you. They will probably become jealous of anyone else you spend time with, no matter what the reason, though they won't admit it. They are not afraid to manipulate a situation, and they are talented at seeing through any cover to what is at the heart. They may tend to be bored in a regular day-to-day relationship, though they thrive on crisis.

They appreciate someone who is loyal and committed to them. Let them have some control in the relationship if they are deserving of it. Some can take advantage of their partners on a very deep and subtle level, though not all of them will. They like to maintain their own secrets. Their feelings may prevent them from seeing the point of view of others. Suspicion is a natural feeling for them when they are unsure.

Scorpio Venus is a colorful person because of their intensity. They are often attracted to the mysteries of the occult, and they are good at playing detective or doing research. They can successfully use their sex appeal to get what they want. It is not uncommon for a person with a Venus in Scorpio to be cautious when meeting new people. They may take the opportunity to observe someone they are interested in several times before meeting them.

As a friend, they are insightful and able to understand their friends as plain as day. They may appear to be off in their own little world, but with a single comment, they can let you know that they notice every detail and they most certainly can keep your secrets.

Scorpio Venus likes someone who isn't afraid of commitment, emotions or intensity. They like a bit of surrender in the relationship. Don't play games with them, because they find it difficult to forgive. As wonderful as the Venus in Scorpio person can be when they love you, they can be equally bad when they have been hurt by you. Scorpio Venus likes change… even more; they thrive on the transformation that takes place during and after change. Whatever they put their passion into; it will mean everything to them.

Mars in Scorpio

Mars in Scorpio loves a good challenge. Whatever they decide to do is done with every ounce of gusto they can muster. They have the ability to focus and have a strong willpower to accomplish anything.

They make formidable opponents, though they are quiet and subtle, not loud and brash. On the surface they are calm and collected. Below the surface they may be a seething pool of emotion. They don't let others see this side of them very often. Mars in Scorpio has the ability to exploit those around them because of their talents of seeing through the facade to what lies beneath.

Scorpio Mars likes to test themselves. You will find them creating all sorts of rules and goals so they can have the satisfaction of achieving them one by one. They can be provocative in a subtle, controlled manner. Those who have low self-esteem can become rather loathsome. They turn their self-hatred outward and manipulate others to feel better. Scorpio Mars knows that life isn't fair and accept it for what it is.

Mars in Scorpio harbors powerful desires and emotions. They have a very high energy level. They are strong, efficient, self-reliant and self-disciplined. They have a strong sense of purpose. They are slow to anger, but when they do, watch out. They get even in a calm, rather frightening manner. They are proud, strong-willed, and dignified. They are known for a long memory and they don't forgive when hurt. They may be fascinated with the occult, death and dangers.

They are very passionate and sensual. They are attractive to the opposite sex no matter what they look like physically. Their personal magnetism is powerful. Scorpio Mars is intense, and this can be too much for some people. Sex is an all-encompassing experience; it is intensely physical, emotional and erotic. They can be a bit obsessive, and may be attracted to the darker side of sex.

Mars in Scorpio equates sex with power. They are faithful to their partner. They can be very complex, and they need their partner to want to share the depth and intensity of the experience. They don't kiss and tell; they believe sex to be an intimate and personal issue. They give great emotional depth to their partners. They may focus on breaking sexual taboos, if their partner is up to it. Mars in Scorpio is a bit possessive of their partners. While they probably won't admit it, they don't like to share their partners with anyone, not even for social engagements or family obligations.

Jupiter in Scorpio

Jupiter in Scorpio attracts good luck when they devote themselves to a project. They need to draw on their inner strength and use those magnetic powers of theirs to heal. By using their innate intuition, imagination and compassion, they are able to attract good fortune and a vast assortment of enriching life experiences.

Jupiter in Scorpio can see what is hidden. They have the uncanny ability to read between the lines and understand the reality of a situation. This can be turned to their advantage and help them succeed. This talent as well as their natural magnetism can be used to enrich their life. They can handle intense energy and turn it into a healing rather than a destructive force. They are excellent at empowering others when they choose to do so.

Scorpio Jupiter has an instinct for mysteries, sacred things, metaphysics, shamanism and sexuality, and all can be turned into a form of healing. They understand what it is to go through a spiritual death and emerge brand new. They are especially gifted in helping others through such strong transitions.

Jupiter in Scorpio can be very secretive and serious. They have a critical sense of judgment and a shrewd business sense. They are willing to dig down and get to the heart of a project, and this helps them succeed. They are uncompromising in their beliefs and views. They have a tremendous sense of faith in themselves and if unchecked, can exercise their will over others. They are farsighted and determined to succeed.

Scorpio Jupiter is passionate and intense. They understand that big projects are the same as littler ones, just with more numbers. They are anything but shallow. They attract good fortune through their intensity of emotion, though they will be even luckier if they learn to accept criticism and to be a little more open minded rather than skeptical.

Jupiter in Scorpio has a certain degree of social power. They often attract opportunities to learn business and money skills. They must learn the truth about anything they are interested in. They may become philosophical or be involved in the occult.

They can be clever, crafty and devious. They may wish to control others or accumulate power. These attributes also make good engineers, researchers, police officers, scientists or health workers.

Saturn in Scorpio

Saturn in Scorpio is impatient. They demand a lot from themselves and from those around them. They can be so intense that it can be overwhelming to those who are not as directed as they are. Full of willpower and energy, they are so determined to meet their goals it is hard for them to remain calm. They are not the type to stop and smell the roses. Instead of going gung ho for their goals, however, they are usually more subtle and calculating.

Saturn in Scorpio can be secretive. When hurt, they can be unforgiving. They don't like to be treated unfairly. They may be cunning, resentful, jealous, or possessive. They are shrewd and like to come out on top of any type of deal.

Scorpio Saturn fears emotional rejection and being inadequate. This fear may cause them to overcompensate in other areas. This fear may also be self-fulfilling. They are afraid of being taken advantage of. By examining their true motives, they may be able to overcome these fears and break the cycle through healing. Scorpio Saturn keeps their motivations hidden deeply. They may be from psychological, emotional or psychic causes. By revealing their motivations, they may master their issues.

They often seek power through covert means. They may dabble in the occult. They work very diligently to achieve self-control. Passionate and intense, Saturn in Scorpio can also find themselves deep in denial. Struggling through their issues will help them deal with their emotional nature.

Scorpio Saturn is resourceful, but they can be vindictive or withdrawn. They do well if they learn to be responsible enough to handle other people's possessions. They must learn to be calm, efficient and thorough. Emotional restraint will do them well.

Physically, Scorpio Saturn may be beset with issues in the reproductive system or the organs of elimination. Bowel obstructions may be a problem. Often associated with negative energy, Saturn in Scorpio must battle to overcome it if they wish to succeed.

Uranus in Scorpio

Uranus in Scorpio is forceful and determined. They can overcome almost any obstacle that may be placed before them to achieve their goals. They are persistent, sharp, secretive and detail-oriented. They are original thinkers, and may be gifted mechanically. They really like science, both physical and occult.

Uranus in Scorpio may also be prone to accidents, which may ultimately prove fatal. This is the position of sex and death, two very intense experiences. They have a terrific ability to truly concentrate and focus. Their spirit is unbreakable and determined. They have incredible bursts of creative energy that will take them far. They often use unorthodox methods to get what they want.

Scorpio Uranus is usually conflicting with those who follow tradition. They are not afraid to be outspoken, and are known to be rather stubborn and rebellious. They can be courageous, secretive, blunt and aggressive with others. They are very inventive and have a far-reaching vision. They can accomplish much, either through the use of technology or the mind.

Relationships for those with Uranus in Scorpio may be volatile or uncontrollable. A simple friendship may suddenly become passionate, without either party knowing why. It may also go the other way; a passionate affair may suddenly cool. They have great depth of mind. No matter what is going on, they will find a way to express their views. They may make a good surgeon, psychologist or healer. They have the ability to delve deep and find the cause of disease and pain.

Scorpio Uranus may have to deal with envy, jealousy and possessiveness in their life. They may want to avoid personal growth, but this is a mistake. It may take work, but they'll come out better for it. They can be very compassionate. If they harbor resentment, it is best for all that they learn to understand the underlying meanings and make peace with it.

Neptune in Scorpio

Neptune in Scorpio is unafraid of the darker aspects of life. They may be interested in the esoteric, the mystical or the occult sciences. They see physical desires and sexuality as a spiritual experience that is acceptable. They may find interest in eastern philosophies, practices or hallucinogens.

Scorpio Neptune's passionate nature shows in everything they do, both internally and externally. They may become intrigued with religion or cults that share their beliefs. Paranormal phenomena are very interesting to them. They need to learn to discriminate in their beliefs, and not choose just to believe in something just because it may be profound or mystical. They may be selfish and self-sacrificing, which creates inner conflict for them. Dealing with deeper issues may help them overcome this.

Scorpio Neptune prefers to delve into the deep dark secrets of nature and the inner workings of the soul. They can see beyond reason into inspiration and perception. They can sometimes have a bad temper. If they are not careful, they can lose themselves in drugs or drink.

Neptune in Scorpio is aware of mankind's potential for transformation away from their current materialism. Neptune in

Scorpio can bring a lot of energy through sex, and they learn that they can also bring this ecstasy into the spiritual realm through discipline or blocking normal urges. They learn that altered states, no matter how they are accomplished, have the potential to lead one into the cosmic consciousness. This is a dangerous path, however, and that is part of the challenge.

Pluto in Scorpio

1735-1747 and 1983-1995 (Millenials; Generation Y)

Pluto in Scorpio is ruled by strong emotions. Not only do they react according to their own emotions, but they can understand how others feel as well. They are drawn to activities that will involve them emotionally. Intensity is the key word for them.

Scorpio Pluto knows how to bring things that are hidden out into the light. They fight for human rights and they have a talent for helping the unconventional become accepted. Topics that capture their interest may include the occult, sex, the mind, death, genetic engineering and cloning.

Scorpio Pluto may tend towards dark thoughts. They naturally filter out the good and happy things, focusing on the darker, secret motives of those around us. They may feel that they know best in every situation. On the other hand, individuals born with Pluto in Scorpio may try to remain positive so strongly that they find themselves in denial, finding out when it is too late about all that was happening right under their noses.

Their emotional courage, deep understanding and the ability to face their own wounds as well as those they have given to others can create a strong person you want on your side. They can be rather manipulative or controlling at times. They tend to question all the rules and may feel oppressed by the status quo. Their passionate natures incline them to experience as much as possible. They also have great willpower. They can focus on gaining wealth and power if so inclined.

Thomas Jefferson, Hilary Duff, Malala Yousafzai,Amy Winehouse, Zayn Malik, Mark Zuckerberg, and Rihanna all had/have the Scorpio Pluto Sign.

scorpio glyph