
Taurus Glyph

Taurus is the second sign of the Zodiac circle. It’s represented by the bull which signifies material power and wealth.
It's the producer and builder of the Zodiac.

Attributes of the Taurus Sign

Planetary ruler: Venus Affiliated with: House 2
Duality: Passive Color: Earth Tones
Modality: Fixed Anatomy: Neck and Throat
Element: Earth Keywords: I have

Interpreting the Taurus Sign

Taurus is a passive Sign and turns inward for resources. As the natural ruler of the "House of Material Possessions", it gives particular attention to wealth, money, possessions, and life’s pleasures and luxuries.

This Zodiac Sign is driven by the energy of Venus which shows us, through our freedom of choice and responsibility, the true worth of what we attract and possess. This Sign is always sensible and practical in decisions; dedicated and willing to work hard for the things that give pleasure. Luxury and good tasting food are considered a matter of necessity.

Taurus is also affectionate, trustworthy, and loving when it comes to the issue of relationship and friendship. Their passive side makes them slow to anger, romantic, tender, conservative, traditional, and sensual.

The following words describe the darker side of Taurus: Stubborn, jealous, argumentative, loss of control, sudden angry outbursts and anger turning to violence.

Sun in Taurus

Stable and home-loving, those born with a Taurus Sun Sign are steady, strong, reliable people who usually exercise self-control. They are the calm in the middle of the storm. These are the people you want around in a crisis. They can be disciplined and determined. If pushed too far, however, they may be very difficult to calm down.

The Taurus Sun Sign personality is practical and smart rather than intellectual. They may have a tendency to get stuck on their own opinions or get stuck in a rut, and it can be very difficult to get them to see a new point of view. Did we mention they are stubborn? This stubbornness can lead to rigid, ultraconservative views, although most don't go to extremes. Even so, they can be frustratingly inflexible at times.

As friends, Taurus Sun Sign is faithful to the end. They are affectionate, and choosy about whom they befriend. They are a good choice if you are looking for a friend to enjoy a night on the town with, as they appreciate the finer things in life. Even-tempered and modest, they can also be self-conscious and possessive. They make loving spouses who remain faithful, thoughtful and kind. While they may not have the most spontaneous personality, they will always make you feel appreciated and loved, as they themselves adore romance. They will sometimes cause a quarrel just for the pleasure of making up.

Taurus Sun Sign likes order, beauty and luxury. They enjoy the sensual pleasures of life, like eating fine foods, comfortable furniture, the scent of a rose, beautiful music, and so on. They may need to resist the temptation to overindulge, especially with food. Because of this temptation, it is important for Taurus not to fixate on luxuries too much. Their health can suffer for it. Taurus enjoys owning nice things. It adds to their security and love of luxury.

Those born with a Taurus Sun Sign are industrious and talented workers who aren't afraid to do whatever is necessary. They are methodical and reliable, and do best in a job with little need of urgency or risk. They are creative, honest and can be good at running their own business. They are not afraid to work hard and are usually respected by their coworkers. You may find successful Taurus’ in industry, farming, medicine, finance, education and the arts. They can span a wide variety of talents. They are usually careful with money and will gradually accumulate that which they need to maintain a good life. Security is important to them, and "comfortable" doesn't always mean the same to them as it does to someone else. They do have the talent to separate work from play… though their idea of play is more like relaxing. They enjoy the outdoors and usually have an excellent sense of humor.

Taurus Sun Sign hates to feel that they are being used or manipulated. They need to know that they are safe and appreciated or they may develop resentment in some areas of their lives. They may also have a fear of loss or experience varying degrees of paranoia.

Moon in Taurus

Taurus Moon likes the familiar instead of the exotic. They will be prepared to put up with just about anything to preserve this familiar sense of security. Strong-willed, they are set in their ways. They want to create a solid, comfortable existence so they feel secure and happy. Moon in Taurus is steady, and makes those near them feel comforted. They can be very conservative and set in their ways. Sociable, Moon Sign Taurus loves companionship. They are emotionally balanced, and like to finish one thing before starting another.

They don’t like unpredictable or messy situations or emotional outbursts. They take their time before committing to anything, but once they do, they are reliable and persevere, no matter what it takes. You can usually trust their instincts. They analyze every move first to find out what is the safest course. They can become predictable and slaves to routine, since this gives them a sense of security.

The Taurus Moon Sign is very romantic. They are affectionate and are faithful and unwavering, warm and sentimental. They are sensuous and love the good life. They will stand by their mates even through the worst of times. Their loyalty is a quality to treasure, although they have been known to test their relationships to see if they will survive a challenge. They are gentle, thoughtful and kind. They like quiet reflection, good music and gourmet food. Possessions are important to Taurus Moon… they may become a collector of antiques or other valuables. The urge to collect usually begins when they are very young. They have the ability to get a bargain or a lot for their money. This may give others the impression that they must keep up with your lifestyle to be your friend. They prefer people who offer the same level of energy and sincerity than those who may be well-connected financially.

They have a serene quality that tends to calm those around them. It takes quite a lot to rattle them. When their favored routine is interrupted, however, they may not be the most adaptable one in the crowd. They can be stubborn and are seldom spontaneous. They have a talent for speaking before they think. Taurus Moon loves the pursuit of pleasure, although they will not follow this if it threatens their sense of security. They like material comfort and may become too concerned over social status. They may appear proud or unapproachable because they are so contained within themselves. If you break a promise to a them, be prepared to pay… they have a long memory. Slow to forget, they are also slow to forgive. While they are demanding of their friends and partners, they hold themselves to the same standards. They are not very familiar with the concept of compromising.

Taurus Moon is self-reliant and independent. They like to spend lavishly at times, but can be rather miserly at others. There is no middle ground. They are charming and diplomatic, and make unselfish parents.

Mercury in Taurus

Mercury in Taurus takes their time when making a decision. They do eventually get there, and will be stubborn once their mind is made up. While some may think that Taurus Mercury is lazy, upon closer inspection, you'll find that they really do think things over very carefully.

While it may take some doing to get a Mercury in Taurus to start something new, once they begin they see it through to the end. They are full of common sense. They process information through the use of their senses. When they communicate, they may be a bit slow to get to the point. They are very deliberate in everything they do.

People tend to listen to Taurus Mercury. They are taken seriously. They are funny and a bit sarcastic. They do not use flowery speech; instead they come across as authoritative and realistic.

Mercury in Taurus likes to learn through demonstrations, basic concepts and concrete answers. They like practical applications for what they learn. They can learn in the abstract, but the lessons are much more powerful if they can use the information personally.

They are very sensual, and have well-defined tastes. Everything they can experience through the senses: color, scent, touch… all affect their communication style. They are shrewd in business and excel at finances.

Mercury in Taurus can come across as obstinate and opinionated. They have an incredible memory. Whatever they set their efforts to needs to produce tangible results. They truly believe that slow and steady wins the race. Unlike most Mercury signs, they are not restless… they are grounded and steady. This keeps them rooted in reality.

Taurus Mercury usually has a pleasant voice and the discipline to get through rigorous training periods as they learn their craft. They may be talented in the arts. They seek to make things that last and reflect their own deep values. They want to show something for their efforts.

Taurus Mercury may appear set in their ways, and may need to get out of their rut on occasion. They can appear pigheaded and difficult. They need to learn how to adapt. They don't like being forced into a quick decision.

They like to build new things. It creates something substantial that they can measure and see as the result of their efforts. Mercury in Taurus can make a good living as a speaker. Their voices are melodious and their topics are thoroughly covered. Their ideas are practical and work well. Those who take their advice are seldom sorry.

Venus in Taurus

Taurus Venus loves their creature comforts. They prefer to indulge the five senses. Their idea of the ideal evening would be a comfortable location, great food and drink, soft music and a lot of alone time for the two of you. They appear solid and comfortable. They need dependability and predictability in their relationships. They can be rather possessive of their partners and may feel threatened in fast, high-energy situations. They need a lot physical expression of love from their partner.

Those born with Venus in Taurus may resist change and appear to be a little too comfortable or settled, but their partners can take comfort in the fact that they are loyal and constant in their devotion. They appreciate your loyalty in return. They don't like to be pushed around. They can feel jealous and can act overbearing with their partner when they feel threatened.

A Venus in Taurus person doesn't like a lot of drama in their life, and they tend to stay away from players and superficial people. They bond through tactile methods… they like to hold hands, give massages and other physical pleasures.

As a friend, Taurus Venus likes to hang out when they have access to plenty of goodies to indulge in. They will show up when you need help moving or painting the house, especially if there is time afterwards for a bite and some conversation. They are a dependable friend and will be there for you when you need them most.

Taurus Venus is a cuddly person. This is attractive to anyone who is looking for a long term, stable relationship. They offer long lasting devotion, respect and an earthy sensuality. For those who truly want to win the heart of a person with Venus in Taurus, they must be patient and let things unfold naturally. You must show your own dependability to them, and be willing to settle for a simple calmness to your life together.

Taurus Venus may seem conventional, but they have a strong sense of commitment. They are romantic, but not in a frilly way. They prefer to indulge their partner in simple luxuries, like a fine chocolate or a good massage. They are practical and take their relationships seriously. They want security, and seek out a partner who can help them achieve that. A person with Venus in Taurus places this security as more important than emotional or spiritual needs. This may cause them to miss the nuances of a relationship, which can be a source of frustration for them.

Taurus Venus is usually good with their personal resources. They don't feel it is necessary to rush or get stressed over most situations. They don't like change unless it is necessary. They may be talented in the arts or music.

The Venus in Taurus person has a very well-developed taste for simple, fine living. They are fun to be around and know how to have a good time. They are usually cheerful and easy to get along with. The appetite for sensual gratification extends to the bedroom, where Taurus Venus treats intimacy with the same care a chef uses when preparing a fine meal.

Mars in Taurus

Mars in Taurus is focused on their goals, no matter how long it takes. Easy going and calm, Taurus Mars can fly into a rage when they are provoked beyond their endurance. Usually, they are the picture of strength and stability. They like to feel secure financially and like to collect personal possessions. Taurus Mars is not afraid to work for what they want, and they have the focus and patience to get it.

Taurus Mars is good about not getting involved in more projects than they can handle. It is difficult to get them to change their mind once it is made up. Adaptability isn't their strong suit. Likewise, if you're in a rush, it won't matter to them. They don't feel the need to change their pace unless it is a true emergency.

Taurus Mars is very reliable and dependable. They are practical and have great endurance. They can be obstinate, which can be frustrating to everyone around them. This can be taken to a very immature level at times. They like to build things, cultivate an art or enjoy pleasures of the senses. They can get jealous, as they see their partner as belonging only to them. Possession is important to them.

Taurus Mars is passionate and grounded. They project an air of confidence. Their honesty gives them great integrity. They excel in anything that requires dedication and discipline.

In a relationship, Mars in Taurus is rather conventional and straightforward. They are emotionally stable and loyal to the end. They are into gratification, both their own and their partner's. They like their creature comforts, and bring that into their relationships. Physical relations are very important to Taurus Mars. They don't complicate things with fantasy, they just take their time. Foreplay was invented by Mars in Taurus. They can be very jealous if they imagine someone else is interested in their partner. They have a very difficult time if denied sex for any length of time… they see it as necessary as breathing or eating, which they also enjoy to the utmost. They need a partner who is willing to relax and enjoy.

Mars in Taurus prefers to go with the flow rather than fight the current. They are naturals at crafting high quality things, and they may make a good living from such endeavors.

Jupiter in Taurus

Jupiter in Taurus attracts good luck when they follow their nature of being generous and patient. They are practical and discriminating, and they like to jump right in and do things. They don't like risks, but appreciate the efforts of hard work. They do better if they have direction and clear goals to strive for. The results are what matter to them.

Taurus Jupiter is well-grounded and they enjoy being in nature. It renews them. They are good with children and animals. They are talented artistically and can create beauty all around them. They love luxurious surroundings, and want the comfort of abundance and security. They use all their senses to enjoy life. They have a great sense of humor, and enjoy the fine things in life.

Taurus Jupiter is stable, and usually uses their money and resources to benefit others as well as themselves. They can be a bit stubborn, but they have the ability to see the big picture as well as to build the empire they envision. They don't like to be pushed.

Jupiter in Taurus knows how to grow financial security. They are good in business and know when to push their luck just enough to make more. The more secure they feel, the luckier they are. They must learn not to overindulge if they wish their luck to stick with them. In fact, when Jupiter in Taurus attracts wealth and success, they need to use it wisely and generously so they continue to attract more.

Jupiter in Taurus has a green thumb, for more than just money. Even if they have never lived in the country, there is something pastoral about them. Their practicality and earthiness just makes them seem very rural… maybe the landed gentry is a good image. They are homebodies who appreciate the putting down of roots, especially if they feel the soil is rich enough to support them well.

Saturn in Taurus

Saturn in Taurus has a deep need to feel secure; both emotionally and financially. They like to keep a strict control over their daily tasks. Unfortunately for them, nothing comes easy. They have to work hard for everything they get. They tend to be thrifty. They are patient and disciplined, with a matter-of-fact attitude. While they are not very spontaneous, they are more than willing to work as hard as necessary to attain their goals.

Taurus Saturn does well in politics or business. The arts may hold some interest for them. They don’t rush their decisions in anything. They are reliable friends to have around. Saturn in Taurus has some trouble with unconditional love… they can't help but expect some compensation for what they give. They either undervalue or overvalue their possessions and assets. They often will only settle for all or nothing in a given situation. It benefits them to realize that under it all, they may be trying to buy love. Once this fact is accepted, they can use their accumulation skills much more effectively in a healthy way.

Saturn in Taurus is loyal and trustworthy. Once they find a position on something, they are hard to persuade to see a different view. While it may take them awhile to decide what to say, once they decide they are often worth listening to.

They can sometimes be possessive or miserly. At other times, Taurus Saturn may feel it is greedy to accept wealth for themselves and feel guilty for owning nice things. They don't want to appear selfish. When they fall into this category, they are happy to have a place to live and a few bucks in their pocket. At the same time, they may fear losing what they have.

Taurus Saturn can be jealous, stubborn and have great endurance. They can discipline themselves to the point that they can easily put off immediate gratification as long as the reward is visible in the future. They must learn to manage finances practically.

Physically, Saturn in Taurus may have to deal with problems of the throat. This may relate to problems with speech in some people.

Uranus in Taurus

Uranus in Taurus is very intuitive. They can be very stubborn. Once they make up their minds, they are steadfast and persistent so that no amount of persuasion or threats can convince them to change their minds. They may do well for themselves financially, or they may be subject to unexpected financial reverses. They can sometimes be rather suspicious or jealous, which can cause them complications.

Uranus in Taurus may have talents with real estate and partnerships. They prefer partners and organizations that promote innovation and imagination. They are very clever and inventive. Their originality and resourcefulness helps them overcome all sorts of obstacles and adversities. Headstrong, they set their goals and strive to attain them no matter what.

Uranus in Taurus appears to be easy going and broad minded, and then all of a sudden you are faced with a rigid, stubborn person who won't budge an inch. If they can learn to move forward at an even, deliberate pace, they will be more successful than if they work in bursts. By moving forward steadily, they can let their practicality influence their decisions more effectively.

Taurus Uranus may have a very happy relationship, but they may cause fights with their spouse because of their jealousy. They may be charming; with a magnetic personality that attracts many people. They tend to be conservative and materialistic, though these values may be greatly challenged. They may have innovative ways to earn a living. They may have psychic abilities or be able to foresee what lies ahead and plan accordingly.

Practical and concrete, Uranus in Taurus is good at constructing whatever is needed. They like to see tangible results. While it may be difficult to get Taurus Uranus started, once they get going they are almost impossible to stop. Their originality has great effects when put into motion.

Neptune in Taurus

Neptune in Taurus dreams of their possessions. They are material-oriented. Once they get going, it is difficult to get them to stop. They may get fixated on a matter such as romance and not be able to let it go. They are practical, even when they dream.

They have the ability to overcome challenges in their path, and may find themselves achieving more than they thought they would. They are kind and make terrific companions. They appreciate beautiful things and enjoy art and music. They may overindulge their sensuous nature, however and suffer consequences because of their greediness.

Taurus Neptune has the gift of incorporating their ideals into everyday life. They like to work on practical projects like the environment, places for others to enjoy like parks, and construction. Anything they design is aesthetically beautiful. They have a hard time understanding how anyone can build anything unattractive. They spend their time in artistic ways rather than delving into metaphysical matters.

Neptune in Taurus may be inspired or confused when it comes to financial matters. They can even put a practical spin on spirituality, making it fit their everyday existence. Taurus Neptune can make their home anywhere. It is easy for them to put down roots and stay. They are part of the real world of nature. They are able to bring in Nature's grace and poetry into the mundane world in a way that everyone accepts and appreciates it, even if they are out to control Nature rather than be a part of it. They can easily separate the abstractions from the true world. They have a gift for making their words and works grow.

Pluto in Taurus

1853-1884 and returns in 2098

Those born with Pluto in Taurus are persistent. Once they make up their mind about something, it is almost impossible to get them to change it. They have an innate talent at handling resources and manipulating their environment to suit their needs. They need material security, and once they gain possession of something it is difficult for them to let it go. They have a unique talent for making things work in their favor.

Taurus Pluto has a knack for spotting opportunities to network with others that will benefit them in a material way. If they are not careful, this can become an obsessive behavior. They may never be satisfied with what they have; they may keep seeking to gain more. They need to pull back once in a while and gain some perspective.

Individuals with Pluto in Taurus will continue to make slow, steady improvements in their life, often ignoring that which lurks below the surface. They like order that is focused towards prosperity.

Henry Ford, Albert Einstein, Helen Keller, Theodore Roosevelt and Winston Churchill all had the Taurus Pluto Sign.

Taurus Glyph