
Neptune symbol glyphIs it reality or is it an illusion? With Neptune, it is hard to tell.
A bridge to all things mysterious, Neptune slowly guides each generation to its destiny.

Neptune's influence reaches further than the ordinary senses, so there may be aspects of extrasensory perception at work. Illusion, fantasy and dreams are the playing field here, and the spirit is the primary force.

Named for the Roman God of the Sea, Neptune's watery depths are associated with dreams, visions, and the imagination.

Those with a prominent Neptune may be drawn towards mysticism and spiritual pursuits. Ruler of Pisces, this is especially true if these two are paired in your chart. Neptune also holds influence over many forms of entertainment.… It usually puts on an illusion, after all.

Neptune Signs

On the negative side, Neptune may drag its followers into the depths of drugs, alcohol, delusion, hypochondria and abnormality. It may resort to trickery, deceit, deception, and guilt.

On the positive side, Neptune is compassionate, and the planet of divine Love, as opposed to Venus' personal love. Words that may be used to describe Neptune would be delusion, illusion, dreamy, psychic, sensitivity, bondage, obligation, fog. If there is no sacrifice, there is no joy. Neptune makes the sacrifice joy itself, as the love knows no restrictions or boundaries. Neptune works subtly, and suddenly you find yourself enveloped in the mystery.

Known as a generational planet, it takes 14 years for Neptune to move from one Sign to the next. It is interesting to look back and see the effects on a generation that Neptune created. An example would be the 1960s, when Neptune was in Scorpio. The '60s saw lots of drug experimentation, trance-like music, and more interest in the occult.

Due to its long orbit, you can calculate your Neptune sign very easily.

Neptune symbol glyph

What are you?

Neptune in Aries Neptune in Taurus Neptune in Gemini
Neptune in Cancer Neptune in Leo Neptune in Virgo
Neptune in Libra Neptune in Scorpio Neptune in Sagittarius
Neptune in Capricorn Neptune in Aquarius Neptune in Pisces