
Cancer glyph

Cancer is the fourth Sign of the Zodiac circle. Its symbol, the crab, indicates protection and security.
Its glyph shows us a slightly twofold nature.

Planetary ruler: Moon Affiliated with: House 4
Duality: Passive Color: Silver and White
Modality: Cardinal Anatomy: Breast and Stomach
Element: Water Key words: I Feel

Interpreting the Cancer Sign

Cancer’s temperament is naturally protective, resourceful, intuitive, tenacious, and is known as the nurturer of the Zodiac.

Its ruling planet is the Moon which gives it an extremely empathic temperament. Cancer is a Water Sign and because the Moon naturally rules over the oceans, tides and human emotion, it has a powerful effect on this Sign.

Cancer is also the natural ruler of the fourth house which governs family relations and home life.
It also deals with ancestry, security and real estate.

This Zodiac Sign’s traits are said to be the least clear-cut as compared to the other Signs in the Zodiac.
It varies from being timid, shy and withdrawn to the most brilliant and grand.

To their intimates they show kindness, sensitivity and devotion.

The following words describe the darker side of this Zodiac Sign: moody, fickle-minded, devious, clingy, indecisive and insecure.

Sun in Cancer

The Cancer Sun Sign personality can cover a wide range of characteristics, from withdrawn to famous. At the basic level, they are conservative and family-oriented. They like to build their nest and keep it secure. They like children and often have a large family. Their home is often kept for their family's comfort and security, rather than as a showplace.

Cancer Sun Sign likes privacy, though they can be sociable when it is appropriate. They can put up a good facade of appearing unemotional, obstinate or shrewd, but those who know them best see someone completely different. Underneath they are kind, sympathetic and sensitive. They can be very imaginative, which can be good or bad, depending on the situation. They may try to make real life fit a romantic ideal. They like art and literature, and they especially appreciate drama.

While they are seen as being very down to earth, many are actually fascinated by the occult or psychic phenomena. Some have some psychic talents of their own. They may be generous to a fault at times; it won't usually happen unless they know there are no other alternatives. They are frugal with their resources, but if the need arises, will give willingly.

In relationships, they can be very sentimental and emotional. Romance is important. They are loyal partners, though sometimes the sensuality of an affair may tempt them. This sign loves without reservation, asking for little in return. They are nurturing and caring, though they can be a little smothering at times. Their loved ones hold a lot of sway and can influence them easily. They can also be easily hurt. While they appear tough on the outside, the inner Cancer personality is often tender and easily bruised. They make a loyal friend, though they may tend to exclude those who are not in the "inner circle." They also have an exceptional memory, and this may get in their way sometimes as they may have difficulty leaving the past behind.

When stressed, Cancer Sun Sign needs time alone. They don't like to talk about their problems. Give them the time and space to deal with their issues and soon they will come back to their normal position in the family. Cancer Sun Sign is also very creative. If they spend most of their time at home, they can amaze their family with their domestic creativity. In the workplace, they excel as a writer, public affairs, nursing, or in the kitchen. As a politician, they will have no problem changing parties if needed to achieve their goal. Real estate, gardening and antiquing may be appealing to them. They are good with money, and will know how to sock some away for a rainy day.

Cancer Sun Sign can be untidy, moody or full of self-pity. They are also easily flattered. Ambitious, they can gain favor by following the prevailing opinion, whether they personally like it or not. They can be strong supporters of causes that they identify with.

As Cancer is a water sign, those born under it have an affinity for water. Water is healing and restorative to their nerves. Frequent visits to a source of water will keep them happy and emotionally healthy.

Moon in Cancer

Cancer Moon has a knack for being in touch with their feelings, as well as those of others. They may be so in touch with their feelings that they become very self-absorbed. At the same time, they are so in touch with others' feelings that they can see through any superficial statements of well-being. They have a terrific memory, especially for emotional things. The Cancer Moon Sign looks for familiarity and security. They tend to cling to their home, their family and friends, and their possessions. They really appreciate peace and quiet, and they are not big fans of change.

Devoted and accommodating, they do not like superficiality. When they have feelings of insecurity, they may attempt to create a sense of it by accumulating things around them. While others have moved on from a hurt, those born under a Moon in Cancer may tend to keep dwelling on them. They may tend to feel taken for granted, and they don't like to confront others, so they may leave hints about their unhappiness to get your attention. They can become very manipulative in some cases.

They have a delightful sense of humor that borders on the loony and can be amazingly funny. At the same time, they can be moody, which can confuse those who don't know them well. They may behave erratically at times, but they have a unique angle on life. They are also very affectionate and protective.

When they feel understood, they return the feelings of tenderness and warmth in abundance. They are very dependable, mood swings and all. They are creative and sensitive. If they don't have their own artistic talents, they have a fine appreciation of the arts. They are vulnerable to the influence of those they spend time with. It may be difficult for them to express their own opinions, rather than just reflect those around them.

Cancer Moon may be a bit awkward socially, being shy with strangers or when they are in unfamiliar situations. Once they feel more comfortable, they will be more outgoing. They may lack motivation, and be sloppy or disorganized. They don't like to throw away anything, including unhappy relationships. They do like to get their way, and they often set personal goals for themselves.

Cancer Moon can be very nurturing. They may express this through philanthropy, or through hospitable and compassionate behavior. They are quick to make everyone a part of the family. Emotionally, they can become their own worst enemy. They are prone to be vulnerable and dependent. This may cause them to be overly possessive of their partner. Indifference hurts them deeply, even when it was unintended. They are likely to bottle it up inside, however and not tell anyone.

Domesticity comes naturally to Cancer Moon, and they usually excel at gardening, culinary arts and home decorating. They may be rather finicky eaters, and when upset may use food as a comfort measure. They like to be reassured that they are making the right decisions and when they feel secure and on top of things, they are unbeatable.

Mercury in Cancer

Mercury in Cancer is sensitive and withdrawn. They are very thoughtful of others. They are shy and may choose not to talk at all. They may respond slowly, giving the impression of being a deep thinker, which they very well may be. They like to meditate on a problem, and reflect on their experiences.

They are great listeners, and can actually make decisions faster than it appears. Cancer Mercury has a terrific memory, too… especially if it is emotional in nature. They come across as gentle, intuitive, sentimental people. They take things very personally, which can make them appear defensive. At the same time, they can also make you feel protected and warm. They can appear to be hiding something even when they are not, which can cause Cancer Mercury some trouble.

Mercury in Cancer learns best when they feel balanced emotionally. They can remember a lot of information, though they prefer to focus on a subject and approach their problems step by step. They are empathic and can pick up the feelings of others. They are good at putting themselves in the other person's place.

Cancer Mercury does not like to argue. They will go out of their way to avoid it if possible. At the same time, they are good at starting an argument. They do this very subtly, and then feel hurt when others argue back.

They are attracted to poetry and the romance of yesteryear. Don't be upset if they withdraw for a time when making a decision… it helps them figure out their own opinions on the matter rather than being influenced by others. The dislike distractions and need to focus on matters at hand. They make very good speakers and writers. Mercury in Cancer has a talent for feeling out the audience.

Cancer Mercury is very intuitive. It is not easy for them to be objective. They learn best through experience and are very receptive to subliminal messages. They have a deep appreciation of the past and historical artifacts. They would probably enjoy working in a museum. Mercury in Cancer is loyal and very patriotic.

They are creatures of habit, and a lack of routine is upsetting to them. Mercury in Cancer is very considerate of others, which engenders sympathy and support when they need it. They are very good at giving motherly advice. When they are upset, they tend to sulk. They cannot focus enough at this time to react with practical reasoning. They can be moody and defensive when criticized. Cancer Mercury is talented at reading between the lines, so they are not easily fooled.

They are often called upon to speak at family gatherings because they are in touch with life's deeper meanings. Mercury in Cancer also knows how to draw someone out of their shell when they feel awkward or troubled.

Venus in Cancer

Cancer Venus wants a committed, predictable relationship. They are sensitive and crave security, comfort and love. They show their love for their partner by taking care of them. They are more attentive to their partner's feelings than their words. They may be a bit moody, and may resort to pouting or the silent treatment to get attention. They don't like a lot of rationalization and they don't like impersonal treatment. Emotional confrontations don't scare them at all, yet they are frequently afraid they will be left. Cancer Venus has a long memory, and it is difficult for them to forget an injury. Sometimes they will retreat into themselves, and it can be difficult to get them to come back out into the open.

A Venus in Cancer person loves to snuggle and they appreciate sentimental gestures. They are closely attached to their home and family. Rejection is one of their biggest fears, and they can try some very frustrating ploys to find out if you love them or not. They need to feel secure and cared for. When these needs are met, they are patient, loving and dependable. They insist on sincerity from their partner, and will amaze you with how well they can remember every word you say or every thing you do.

The Venus in Cancer person is very intuitive, and they find it easy to read your character and feelings. They will care for you accordingly. This can be comforting or intimidating, depending on how their partner reacts to this ability. While they are not always aware of their own charm, they can be very attractive to the opposite sex. Cancer Venus is attracted to those who need them, and they may end up making sure their loved ones continue to need them.

Cancer Venus is very sensitive and they react emotionally to any circumstance. They can be hurt easily, even though they tend to hide this vulnerability behind their dignity. They are good listeners. They tend to be cautious in love because they are trying to protect themselves.

As a friend, Cancer Venus is adept at creating a second family out of their friends. They enjoy creating new traditions, and are usually very thoughtful about birthdays and holiday celebrations. They are loyal and like to keep in touch, no matter what the distance. They are good at nurturing their friends, although if they get hurt emotionally, they can find it difficult to trust again. They are very impressionable, and may end up picking up on the mood of the person they are spending time with.

Cancer Venus is creative, and can express this through the arts, through healing or through relationships. They like to use their creativity in nurturing others.

Cancer Venus looks like someone with a big heart. This is very attractive to others. They also appear wise and are surrounded by a warmth that wraps around those surrounding them. Once they trust someone, they are very affectionate.

If you are attracted to a person with Venus in Cancer, you want to take your time. Don't be too direct with them. They may appear aloof, but they are actually observing everything you do. They appreciate the effort someone takes in preparing a meal or doing something thoughtful. They do not like being around those who are fighting inner demons or who have other issues.

Mars in Cancer

Mars in Cancer can be passive-aggressive. They don't care for change or direct confrontations. They prefer to feel secure before they act on something. They would rather be well prepared. They are tenacious, and strong despite their appearance.

Indifference hurts them more than anything else. Mars in Cancer can be manipulative and argumentative. Emotional displays will occur if they feel threatened. They can be over-sensitive, but when they are confident, they are helpful, dependable and protective of those they love. They prefer peaceful solutions. They are not very assertive or demanding, and prefer to work on their own where they are in control. Cancer Mars may change direction or even their goals in order to pursue security. They are loyal and devoted.

Mars in Cancer is passionate and creative. They are in tune with their own wants and desires, and they are sensitive to the needs of those around them. They have a good memory, and they are dedicated enough to see things through to the end. They have a great imagination that serves them well when it is not imagining terrible scenarios that hurt their feelings of security.

They may be moody, but this is because their emotions are so intense. This intensity may affect their digestion or cause anger deep within them. They try to suppress it, only to suffer physically because of it. It can be difficult for Cancer Mars to be objective, and they tend to make decisions based on their mood at that moment, which they may regret later.

Mars in Cancer is very sensual. They want to find a partner they truly love. Sex and love must go hand in hand. They need a lot of romance and affection or they will feel neglected. They can be so overwhelmed with the emotions of the moment that they may actually cry… it is part of their release. They make every effort to please their partners, even though they are not very adventurous in this area. They are not very demanding lovers. Mars in Cancer is very traditional, although there are a few who need to sleep with many people in order to feel wanted and attractive.

The thought of conceiving a baby may be very attractive to Cancer Mars. They are not very vocal about their wants or needs, and expect their partner to figure out what they like. They are exceptionally loyal to their partner, and expect the same in return.

Jupiter in Cancer

Jupiter in Cancer attracts good luck when they are charitable, sympathetic and comforting. When they use their energy to save and accumulate, more comes to them. They are intuitive, and if they let these feelings guide them they will attract much good fortune. They should always use their imagination; it will help them succeed. When they are compassionate to others, it comes back to them.

Jupiter in Cancer has a gift at making people feel cared for. They can create a homelike environment anywhere. Whatever they turn their hand to grows or turns out well. They really know how to make the most of what they have. They have a talent for sensing the emotional currents around them and sensing when others feel vulnerable.

They are ambitious, and are led by their intuition and emotions. They are excellent at healing and caregiving. They can be very artistic, whether that is with traditional arts or with food or business. They have an excellent memory, especially for family and history. Security is very important to them. They are likely to build a nice nest egg through careful spending.

Jupiter in Cancer can have good fortune doing anything that deals with the home or food, such as catering, real estate or other related areas. They excel in anything where they nourish others in some manner. They may need some help overcoming moodiness or clinging to old values that no longer hold true. Cancer Jupiter is usually sociable and friendly. They do well with the public, and don't really hit their stride until they reach middle age. They usually have no problems attaining material success. When they share their ideas, it is usually a blending of their philosophies with their own personal experiences.

On the negative side, Jupiter in Cancer can become afraid of anything that is not familiar. They need to overcome this and reach out to those around them, whether they know them or not.

Saturn in Cancer

Saturn in Cancer is not very emotionally demonstrative. They prefer to hide their inner thoughts and feelings. Home and family is of utmost importance. They often give up other opportunities to take care of their family. They often have a strong bond with their family members, though they have trouble expressing it. Life lessons include learning to feel empathy and the value of responsibility.

Saturn in Cancer can easily be depressed. They may appear clingy or fearful. They constantly need to overcome insecurity. They may obsess about creating the love they feel they missed out on as a child. While they hate feeling dependent on others, they constantly need to be reassured they are loved and needed. They often feel that no matter how much they accumulate, it isn't enough. Once they realize this, they can make great strides towards self-confidence and feelings of security. It is a giant step once they realize they can do this on their own.

Cancer Saturn may be slightly restricted by their past. They may feel guilty about the past. Having a home and family make them feel secure and in control. They have a good survivalist instinct, and they often make the best of difficult situations. They need to remember that difficulties that present themselves are opportunities.

Physically, they may experience issues with the chest, breasts and stomach. They may feel unnourished emotionally or spiritually, and this may manifest as a physical ailment. Hypersensitivity, inhibitions and emotional insecurity all contribute to these issues and need to be overcome for success. Because of this hypersensitivity, emotional upheavals experienced as a child may create fear and insecurity well into adulthood. They may try to build a wall around themselves to keep others at a distance. Self-acceptance is a giant step towards a better life. Learning how to heal that child within and address those old fears will help heal the adult with Saturn in Cancer as well.

Uranus in Cancer

Uranus in Cancer can be talented as a psychic, or at least sensitive to different energies. They have unique ways to express themselves, especially about civic affairs. They are very patriotic and may belong to several organizations and political campaigns. They like to tend to domestic duties around the home and family. They may end up breaking new ground socially without realizing it, ending up freeing other generations from social traditions that may have been limiting.

They may have problems with indigestion, and if it is not seen to, could result in real problems. They often do not get along with their family, due to their irritability and impatience. They really want to enjoy their family, but they can't help it. They may encounter challenges with legal issues regarding their home or land resulting in financial problems and medical issues.

Uranus in Cancer is a bit high strung and they are greatly affected by many events that others simply shrug off. This sensitivity is what causes them to react with impatience and irritability. They are restless and may be seen as eccentric. They need to get away sometimes on their own to recharge and refresh themselves for their own sanity. Their emotional life can be upsetting to them, and may end up traumatic or transforming, depending on how they react to the situation. Childhood insecurities may lead to issues in later life.

Uranus in Cancer may have a problem with hysterics because they are so emotional. It may be difficult for them to commit to a relationship sometimes. They would rather run off than face the challenge. If they do commit, it is not unheard of for them to divorce later. They may move away from family when they start their own life to be rid of the complications family creates. They may be challenged to deal with the subconscious and their feelings whether they want to or not.

Neptune in Cancer

Neptune in Cancer is patriotic and tends to idealize their country. This may make it difficult for them to see the flaws in their nation's policies. They glorify their homes, taking great pride in a beautiful, well-kept home. Along with their homes comes the enjoyment of domestic tasks like cooking. Food is important to Cancer Neptune, and they enjoy preparing delicious meals with their family. They may have a weakness for sweets, which can create health problems if they are not careful.

Neptune in Cancer loves children, family and motherhood. They may have unrealistic ideas about what family is really like, however. It can be difficult for them to acknowledge troubles in their relationships. They would rather ignore a problem and hope it goes away than work on it. Emotionally sensitive, Cancer Neptune is empathic. They may have psychic abilities. They can be overly sentimental.

Cancer Neptune dreams of the ideal home and family. They can be very protective and emotional about them. Family traditions are very important to them. Their family history may spark an interest in genealogy or other research.

Neptune in Cancer is intuitive and lovable. They are able to understand the joys and sorrows of those around them. They may be good at counselling because of their empathy. They have a lot of friends because they are so likeable. They are no stranger to self-sacrifice. They may be a bit self-indulgent, that may lead some to alcohol or drugs. They may be possessive, but it is in response to the emotional security they feel they need. Love, money and land represent protection against all ills to the Cancer Neptune. They have a close tie to birth and infancy. If they work at improving themselves, they can hold their ideal family as something to strive for rather than using the imperfect reality as an excuse.

Pluto in Cancer


Pluto in Cancer finds their power through emotional intensity and deep relationships. They are very possessive towards those they love. They may even try to control their emotions.

They feel everything very intensely. It is difficult for them to let go of possessions and people. When it is inevitable, they try to control how it ends.

Cancer Pluto hangs doggedly onto childhood beliefs, even though experience tells them otherwise. It may help them to learn a little detachment now and then. They feel a deep need to have their own home. They are the ones who campaign on family values. They are sensitive and sympathetic. They are very protective.

Cancer Pluto can be healing, nurturing and caring. They can also be responsible for escalating dangers by trying to always be one step ahead of their competition. It is their overprotective nature that keeps them striving to protect those they love. Family helps them feel needed and wanted.

Individuals born when Pluto was in Cancer are destined to go through many changes that may affect their sense of security. They may develop compulsive emotional needs due to not getting their needs met during childhood.

Sylvia Brown, Martin Luther King, Neil Armstrong, Shirley Temple and John F. Kennedy all had/have the Cancer Pluto Sign.

Cancer glyph