
Astrological signs represent twelve semi-equal segments or divisions of the zodiac.

The signs are the images seen in the constellations that are on the ecliptic plane. We use these images as archetypes to attempt to understand human thought and behavior. This is based on the philosophy, "as above, so below," where the macrocosmic universe is directly tied to and reflects the microcosmos of our lives. This is why Astrology is sometimes called "Cosmobiology" amongst some practicioners (like my mother). The philosophy, while very new-age sounding, is an old belief reflected in many cultures around the Earth. Whether or not modern Westerners believe it is up to them; but who doesn't love some quality astrology to pass the time?

The Zodiac, as seen from Earth, is a circle of space in the sky, containing the orbits of the planets. It may be imagined as a belt of space in the heavens, about 15 degrees wide, in which the planets travel. It is also Sun's apparent path called the ecliptic. The zodiacal circle is divided into twelve parts; each part contains 30 degrees of space, making totalof 360 degrees in the circle. The twelve divisions are known as the signs of the Zodiac. It can be hard to visualize, especially if you've never taken an astronomy class, but we can attempt to view it like this:

The revolution of the earth around the Sun, complete in one year, causes the Sun to appear to travel through the Zodiac at the rate of one sign per month, or approximately through one degree per day. Its influence (according to sign and degree) also determines the seasons.

Astrologers believe the Sun, Moon, planets, and various cosmic phenomena all exert an influence as they travel near us through the Zodiac. Each planet also has archetypes, which when combined with the "nature" of the sign they are near, create energies that affect behavior on Earth, human or otherwise. The luminaries (Sun and Moon) are classified as planets for convenience, since the term "celestial body" is a quite a mouthful.

There are several different cultures around the globe that created their own form of astrology.

Interestingly, a common feature of these traditions, is the significance of the ascendant or rising sign (the zodiac sign that is "rising" on the eastern horizon when someone is born). And of course, the need for humanity to understand the cycles of time and its effect on our lives.

To learn about the signs, click through the menu below