
Sagittarius glyph

Sagittarius is the ninth Sign of the Zodiac circle. Its symbol the Archer is forever aiming his bow and arrow at the higher realms of life.

Planetary ruler: Jupiter Affiliated with: House 9
Duality: Assertive Color: Purple and Blue
Modality: Mutable Anatomy: Liver, Hips and Thighs
Element: Fire Key words: I See

Interpreting the Sagittarius Sign

Sagittarius has a purpose in life; to explore, to seek and to defy boundaries and conventions. It needs to know the truth and that is what their eternal quest in life is. The more that is discovered, the more there is to further know and explore. Events, happenings and quests have a meaning and a larger than life significance.

Sagittarius' ruling planet is Jupiter and its flow of energy influences good fortune and expansion. As the natural ruler of the “House of Higher Mind”, it governs higher education, publishing, foreign travel, religion, philosophy and the law.

Jovial, good-humored, optimistic and independent are just a few of Sagittarius’ positive traits and they are charming, sociable, sentimental and very straightforward when it comes to the issue of relationship and friendship.

The following words describe the darker side of this Zodiac Sign: inconsiderate, domineering, overacting, scornful and anger issues.

Sun in Sagittarius

The Sagittarius Sun Sign has an honest, optimistic and independent personality. They are passionate about justice and love adventure and travel. They are lucky in many aspects of life. They love freedom, intellectual stimulation and their own space. Every day is a reason for a new adventure. Self-confident, positive and enthusiastic, they’re a resource of information. Restless at times, they risk jeopardizing their relationships if they let it rule their lives.

Sagittarius Sun Signs like to find people to join in athletic as well as intellectual pursuits. If you want a relationship with a Sagittarius Sun Sign, don't smother them. They will run far away from clinging vines. In relationships, they are sincere, straightforward and passionate. They are faithful if all their needs are met, but that annoying restlessness can create distance, both physically and mentally. Commitment is challenging due to this restless nature. They may find it difficult to be affectionate if they are more mental than emotional. This dual nature found in this Sign can also create difficulty between career and family life.

Emotionally, they need a lot of freedom. They may spend their lives flitting from one affair to another, without ever finding meaning. On occasion they may also develop a sort of fanaticism when it comes to religion. Luckily, most people born under the Sign of the Centaur are fair and concerned about others. They are usually charming, easy going, and friendly. They are honest… sometimes a little too honest.

When they get angry, watch out; they know exactly what to say to hurt you most. They are very forgiving, so if they get angry with you, hopefully you will forgive them as well. This Sign has very little diplomacy, so if you want their opinion, you'll definitely get it!

Sagittarius Sun Signs are excellent organizers. They think fast and follow their intuition. Strong-willed, they are usually successful at any project they take on. They may end up writing books, making films or somehow influencing the world in some other way. They are enthusiastic and upbeat, and want their messages to be that way, too. They often choose to be journalists, teachers, lecturers, politicians, public relations workers, lawyers, judges, philosophers or religious leaders. If a job requires travel, it is appealing to them. Archaeologists, travel agents, traveling salesmen or jobs in the gambling industry offer a bit of excitement. Jobs that are involved with sports are also alluring, especially if they have to do with horses, cars or aircraft.

Sagittarius Sun Signs love sports. They are usually good at any they try their hand at. They are exceptionally good with horses. Regular exercise is needed to spend some of that boundless energy they have. They should be careful however… they may get hurt if they take too many risks. They love to travel… absolutely anywhere. Exotic locations, rugged locations or the beach, they just like to be on the move and see something new.

On the negative side, the Sagittarius Sun Sign can be domineering, inconsiderate and exacting. They may be quick to anger or impatient. Their private lives can be extravagant, vulgar and frivolous. On the positive side, however, they can be generous, caring and inventive.

Moon in Sagittarius

Sagittarius Moon is happy-go-lucky and free-spirited… as long as they aren't cooped up. They need space and personal freedom to be happy. They love to be physically active. Travel, sports, socializing… it doesn't matter what it is as long as it is active. They love open spaces, indoors and out. Optimistic and cheerful, Sagittarius Moon is always upbeat, even when they've disappointed you for the third time because they once again forgot the lunch date you had planned.

They are competitive and love the outdoors. They are usually natural athletes, or if not, they appreciate athleticism in others. They abhor routine, and feel the need to escape. If things get tough, you better lock the door, because they will be looking for the fastest road out of town.

Sagittarius Moon has an ability to simply believe that everything will work out for the best. They don't make detailed plans; they just like to play it by ear. As such, they are very adaptable when the need arises. Idealistic and romantic, they don't look before they leap. While this makes them lots of fun sometimes, this aspect coupled with their generosity can leave them vulnerable to be taken advantage of. This same quality, however, can make them successful where those who were more cautious tend to fail.

Moon Sign Sagittarius is impatient. They don't like to spend the time that may be required to develop a relationship or any other benefit. They can be too candid, especially at times when they really need to use some tact.

Power and status impresses Sagittarius Moon. They also like to leave an impression on others, and may resort to boasting or exaggerating to do so. They are creative and talented; many go into the arts or design. They also can be successful in sales, education and jobs where they must rely on communication.

They have a dual personality, so they can appear to be two very different people. They may appear independent, and at the same time, they may seem irresponsible. This dual nature also causes them extreme highs and lows. One minute they may be the life of the party, the next they are utterly despondent. They are highly driven, and can often be very successful, especially at professions that allow them freedom and travel opportunities. They love to learn, and will be restless intellectually if they are not stimulated by their activities. They are always searching for something.

These natural adventurers are impulsive and enthusiastic. This is partially why they are so great at teaching… they are enthusiastic about sharing their passions and are good at explaining what makes the subjects so fascinating for them. Unlike some of the other Moon signs, the Sagittarius Moon Sign is not really materialistic. They prefer having an incredible experience, even though it is fleeting. They tend to wax philosophical at times, and are naturals with language. When needed, they are a champion of justice if someone dear to them is affected… it will become their new mission to make sure the end result is fair.

Mercury in Sagittarius

Mercury in Sagittarius espouses freedom of thought; at least, they try. They are optimistic and look to the future. They have big ideas and mean well. Vision is their strong point. Details are not.

They have a great thirst for knowledge, but have little time for facts and dry texts. They learn best when given the freedom to think and choose for themselves. They also prefer topics they are truly interested in, and when they are having fun.

Mercury in Sagittarius defends justice and freedom, even though their personal definition of justice may be a bit confusing. They have several principles they promote, and are always happy to discuss them. Their optimism shines through no matter what. It is both their strength and their weak point. They are good at invigorating people with their sunny outlook, but they can be a little blind to the facts.

Sagittarius Mercury is also not too well organized. Piling or trashing is their preferred method to deal with clutter. They like the illusion of space if they can't get the real thing.

Their enthusiasm is admirable, and they love a good debate. Sagittarius Mercury imagines themselves as very open minded. While this may be true to a certain degree, they can also be very judgmental. They can quickly pick out prejudices in others, but are rather blind to their own. They are good at bending your ear, but not so good at listening or picking up subtle signals.

Mercury in Sagittarius is blunt and to the point. When someone is hemming and hawing, they get impatient. They don't understand it. They despise mind games. They do love to laugh and have fun. They are independent and adaptable. They love being social and will talk with anyone who will listen. It may be difficult for them to focus on any single subject for very long. They prefer theories to concrete evidence.

Mercury in Sagittarius enjoys philosophy, religion, foreign cultures and psychology. They may study any of these their entire lives, trying to grasp a deep understanding. They are restless, intellectual and crave intellectual stimulation. They make good teachers; they like sports and they love to travel.

The downside of Mercury in Sagittarius may be laced with sarcasm, bragging and rudeness. On the other hand, they really want to see the big picture, and will do what they can to get all the pieces. They describe things broadly, leaving out the small details. They have an artistic side that puts vitality in the everyday. They are also good politicians, activists and adventurers.

Venus in Sagittarius

Sagittarius Venus likes to learn new things all the time, and when they are in a relationship, they want someone that will help them grow and expand their range of experience. Idealistic, they want a partner who appreciates all the things they do… their beliefs, their goals, their visions. Both light-hearted and serious, a person with a Venus in Sagittarius can be a bit confusing at times. They don't commit as easily as some others, since they like to roam.

Sagittarius Venus is always having a good time. They are friendly and flirtatious, and they are great at entertaining others. While they take pride in their open-mindedness, they can also be rather judgmental. They don't like dull routine, inhibitions or overly emotional scenes. They are restless, and won't last long with someone who insists on dwelling on the same thing. When life gets rough in a relationship, they have a strong instinct to pack up and run. While this may mean they just need a break before coming back, it can also be forever. They are attracted to those who live life to the fullest… they don’t care if that person is graceful, well-mannered or polished.

A person with Venus in Sagittarius needs space and freedom to be happy. Laugh with them, but if they are upset, take them seriously. Debate with them happily, but don't criticize what they believe in. When they want to roam, go with them. In most circumstances, they are easygoing and prefer things to go their way.

Variety is the spice of Sagittarius Venus' life. They may tend towards exaggeration just because they see life as the grand adventure. They love spontaneity… planning is not for them. They may let others down sometimes, but it isn't on purpose. They just dreams too big, and they aren't big on follow-through. New interests can easily eclipse the old. They love philosophy, religion and art… they find these topics stimulating intellectually. Others find a person with Venus in Sagittarius easy to be around. They are social, fun and free-spirited. They like travel and excitement. They collect friends and lovers.

In friendship, Sagittarius Venus is the person who knows everyone. They are honest to the point of being blunt. They make friends everywhere they go, and they are likely to have a worldwide network of people they know. They don't need a lot of emotional attachment to their friends and other relationships.

Sagittarius Venus is happy entertaining… telling stories, performing in theatre, music or comedy… you name it, they're good at it. They make great teachers that students love because of their talents combining the intellectual with humor.

Sagittarius Venus wants someone that helps them get new experiences; someone who loves to travel, be adventurous and doesn't require a lot of commitment. They are attracted to people from other cultures because the differences are exciting. Getting them to commit is a long term project that requires a lot of patience and good timing. They don't like feeling trapped, and will go to great lengths to avoid it. They tend to put their partners on a pedestal, and when they fall, as they invariably will, it can be devastating to Sagittarius Venus.

Mars in Sagittarius

Mars in Sagittarius isn't known for patience. They are restless and adventurous. Physical activity is the best way for them to deal with anger. They always like to be busy, so they are constantly working on many projects all at once. They aren't known for their finished product, however. They get much more excited to begin something new rather than finish something old.

Mars in Sagittarius is lots of fun. They love to take part in friendly debates, though they can get carried away. They don't think their points through very thoroughly, but they may be upset if you don't agree with them. They consider themselves warm and caring, but they can often trample all over someone else's feelings when they get passionate about something.

It can be a bit difficult to keep up with Mars in Sagittarius. One moment they are easy going, joking and having fun; and the next they are intensely passionate about some topic or other. They like the wide open spaces, both figuratively and literally. They don't like to feel hemmed in. If things get serious or dull, they disappear. While they can get carried away on a moralistic point that will drive everyone around them crazy, they soon back off and just concentrate on having fun.

Sagittarius Mars is used to getting their own way, because they can be very persuasive. When they meet up with those who can make holes in their grandiose plans, they get frustrated. They take it very personally when others don't believe the same way they do. They are very enthusiastic, but not very practical. They rather like philosophy; it goes well with their idealism. They are confident and optimistic and take risks without thinking of the consequences. They have a short attention span, but they are friendly and outgoing.

Mars in Sagittarius is fun, but unfaithful. They are restless and want variety. They like the chase, but once the conquest is made, they lose interest. They also don't want to feel restrained by commitment. Sagittarius Mars will hang around for someone who can amuse them both intellectually and sexually. Until they find someone like that, they are likely to keep hopping from one bed to another. They are curious, and enjoy hearing about or watching the exploits of others. They may be a bit crude… they think it is fun. They also enjoy having their liaisons in unusual places. Like most things in their life, their love life is mere sport. Playing hard to get is a good way to lose their interest. Games are fine, as long as they aren't too cerebral.

Jupiter in Sagittarius

Jupiter in Sagittarius attracts good luck as long as they are generous, tolerant and practice what they preach. They can be very inspirational. To do so, they just need to believe in themselves and their goals. Their natural enthusiasm should come through when they teach or learn new things, and they should be able to see the big picture. They are commonly interested in teaching, sports, publishing, education, travel and foreign cultures.

Their own opinions and perceptions are important to them, and they may take it as a personal affront if others disagree. They are good at making their own opportunities. When they tune into themselves, they can intuit what their next step should be. They are able to take these leaps of faith and succeed. They should be challenged to grow intellectually and physically. They love to compete. Sports are a good outlet for them.

Jupiter in Sagittarius finds that travel not only broadens the mind, it opens up doors of knowledge they may only have dreamed of. They are truly born under a lucky star, since this is Jupiter's natural home. It seems they can do no wrong… they always come out of it smelling like a rose.

Carefree and outgoing, Jupiter in Sagittarius enjoys making life better for others. They appreciate philosophy, religion and social issues. They have strong convictions. They spend freely, but they usually are prosperous so it equals out. They love to convert others to their beliefs. They are easygoing and good-natured. Success finds them wherever they are. They do not like routines.

Jupiter in Sagittarius can accept different points of view. Luck will follow them wherever they support their personal needs for growth and risk-taking. Travel and education also opens up opportunities for them. For the best luck, they need to remain open to others; both personally and with their beliefs. Becoming too dogmatic will turn their luck away. They have the potential to develop great wisdom.

Saturn in Sagittarius

Saturn in Sagittarius is serious when it comes to philosophy, education and religion. They are highly principled, believing that people earn their achievements through hard work. Reputation is very important to them. They may not have been able to get the education they desired, so many are self-taught to a degree. Intellectual capability is important to them. They may be skeptical and need to prove their theories.

Sagittarius Saturn is conservative, and they change only with much resistance. They may be very narrow-minded when it comes to philosophy or religion. With Saturn in Sagittarius, it gains structure and goals. They love to learn and now they have the focus they need. Alternatively, they can also develop tunnel vision.

They may be attracted to games of chance. They enjoy the adventure and excitement associated with it. They are very logical. It is hard for them to appreciate the magic in a sunset or a rainbow. They may fear they will be punished if they don't live on the straight and narrow. If they let fear rule their life, they may become cynical, critical and forlorn.

Alternatively, Saturn in Sagittarius can become disillusioned with authority and create their own through the use of strong intuition. By letting go of their fear, they can evolve into a better self. They still want their freedom, just with rules. They like to travel.

Sagittarius Saturn must learn to trust. They may be open and honest, or careless, rebellious and indecisive. Unless they learn to open up, they will continue to suffer. They may need to judge more carefully or learn what is appropriate and what is not. Once they work through their issues they can become a recognized authority in their chosen field or gain distinction in some other way.

Physically, Saturn in Sagittarius may suffer difficulties with the muscles, hips, sciatic nerve and liver. Exercise is important to keep flexibility in these areas.

Uranus in Sagittarius

Uranus in Sagittarius is strong on intuition. They are gifted with visions, precognitive dreams and the imagination. Their premonitions may be uncanny. If they develop these gifts it will serve them well. They may be attracted to practice the occult arts. They may be very religious and have a good understanding of educational theory. They may also want to help humanity as a whole. They like to travel and learn from their new surroundings.

Sagittarius Uranus may also be very eccentric or erratic in behavior. They may hold their own opinions on the law and religion. They could be rebellious in nature, and this may lead them into legal troubles. They may only see their side of the story, being oblivious to everyone else. They enjoy shocking people by what they say or do. They are adventurous and seek independence.

Sagittarius Uranus loves science and philosophy. They love to keep abreast of the latest discoveries. They don't like conventional thinking; they like to start anew. They are not afraid to put themselves in danger to seek knowledge. They love to be free to say what they want and go where they wish. Generous, open-hearted and progressive, they may stun others with their ways.

Uranus in Sagittarius does not like the rigidity of academics, but they understand the need for it. They are optimistic. They may find that their own beliefs come from feeling the spirituality that lives in everything around them. They are interesting to talk to, and they are always direct. This person is very open to trying new things. They may clash with those who hold traditional scientific or religious views.

Neptune in Sagittarius

Neptune in Sagittarius is intuitive and may have psychic talents. They want experiences that expand their senses and spirit. They have the potential to understand the meaning life on a deeper level. At the same time, they may be challenged to develop sound judgment or be overly emotional or indecisive.

They are idealistic, love grand ideas and usually enjoy sports. Travel, religion, politics, philosophy and spending time with others like them bring much joy.

Sagittarius Neptune knows how to refine facts and belief into a tolerant, free environment. They can be very sensitive to these matters. They are normally tolerant, but sometimes it is because they are so blinded by their ideals they can't see reality. They have the ability to overcome these challenges if they are willing to work on it.

Sagittarius Neptune will be miserable if they dream only of distress or danger. These fears can take over their life if they are not careful. They much prefer the vision they have of enlightenment reaching into the realms of religion and philosophy. They may also find themselves fascinated by UFOs, prophecy and other forms of unusual phenomena. This can lead to speculation or fantasy that may be taken more seriously than it ought to be.

Neptune in Sagittarius can become a fanatic about their causes unless they learn that delicate balance. This is difficult for them to do. They much prefer one answer… one truth. Acknowledging there may be more to an answer than black and white can be very challenging for them. Once they meet this challenge, they can be more compassionate towards the plights of others.

Pluto in Sagittarius

1746-1762, 1995-2008 (Generation Z)

Those born with Pluto in Sagittarius have a need for exploration. They feel that by gaining as many different experiences as possible, they have the power to recognize and use any opportunities that arise to their benefit. They have the self-confidence to challenge existing moral codes. They use their beliefs as an extension of themselves.

Sagittarius Pluto is friendly as long as their freedom is not hampered. They are enthusiastic about reaching their goals in life. They may have difficulty with people who have different beliefs than their own. They may find themselves a new religion that offers them more freedom and spirituality. Education is very important to them, and they may develop new ways of learning. They love to travel.

Sagittarius Pluto is adventurous, interested in philosophy and world affairs and very free-thinking. They cannot tolerate boredom. Risk just adds more fun to an adventure. Bold and non-conformist, Pluto in Sagittarius is in search of all things new. The future is one area they tend to fixate upon. They are optimistic and try to find answers instead of problems. They focus on the positive rather than the negative. They may leap before looking, or rush headlong into an adventure without proper preparation.

Persons born with Pluto in Sagittarius tend to act foolishly at times, which can be their downfall. They hate being humiliated, even if it is only a momentary mistake that no one else even noticed. They know they did it, and it can affect them. To compensate, they may gloss over their errors or create justification for them.

Willow and Jaden Smith, Quvenzhané Wallis, Amandla Stenberg, Mozart, and Marie Antoinette all had/have the Sagittarius Pluto Sign.

Sagittarius glyph