
Capricorn glyph

Capricorn is the tenth Sign of the Zodiac circle. Its symbol the Goat represents the hard work and dedication required to reach great heights.

Planetary ruler: Saturn Affiliated with: House 10
Duality: Passive Color: Black and Dark Shades
Modality: Cardinal Anatomy: Knees
Element: Earth Keywords: I put forth

Interpreting the Capricorn Sign

Capricorn understands that dreams need to have a blue print in reality. They need to be designed, planned and built with precision. Even if that means emulating another's success, success needs to be achieved.

This Sign’s lesson is all about taking charge of your dreams and fulfilling them; however, every one knows higher the summit, more the climb. Yet, the summit of the mountain is the purpose of our lives...more so for a Capricorn.

This Zodiac Sign is driven by the influence of Saturn; the teacher who teaches through experience, challenges, problems and situations. Saturn provides the endurance, patience and determination to overcome all odds.

In general, this Sign leans toward being practical, reliable, ambitious, and goal oriented, as well as, highly structured, disciplined and very responsible

In relationships the Capricorn is strong, helpful, caring and very sympathetic.

Every Sign has positive and negative energies. The following words describe the darker side of this Zodiac Sign: Pessimistic, gloomy, overbearing, condescending, inhibited, grudging and fatalistic.

Sun in Capricorn

Self-confident, calm and hardworking, the Capricorn Sun Sign personality is practical, responsible and persistent. If someone starts a project and drops the ball, Capricorn Sun Sign sees it through to the end. Those born under this Sign will be experts at finding the right resources that are needed and make the best out of it. They may be perceived as stuffy or rigid and so they need to learn to bend when life doesn't go the way they want. Sometimes their seriousness can make them appear unhappy and they can be difficult to approach because they look so formal and aloof. In reality, they are just cautious.

In love, they feel happy and high on emotion. They tend to be jealous, but they remain faithful. Capricorn Sun Signs like to be married. Once they find that special someone, they tend not to let go and so, many will only marry once. They feel that they won't get too many chances at love. They adore taking care of their partner and family, although they must feel needed and appreciated. This Sign understands the ups and downs in a relationship better than most, and they are not easily disheartened when things are not going smoothly.

Profound thinkers, they explore all their options before taking action. They have excellent memories and love to learn. Rational, clearheaded and logical, they can concentrate very well. Despite a natural skepticism, they are often intrigued with the occult.

Capricorn Sun Sign will carefully scope out the land at a social event before deciding how to interact with the group. They feel everyone is always making judgments about them (like they do about others), so they feel the need to check everything out before they relax. Making friends isn't easy for them, but those they do get their intense loyalty.

Capricorn Sun Signs are creative, but they prefer practical applications like architecture, decorating, commercial art and fine art.

Material success is important to them. They do well in professions that work with money or mathematics. Speculators, bankers, economists, managers, contractors, real estate agents, scientists, farmers, engineers… these are all professions that they excel at. They also make good teachers and administrators. This Sign enjoys working, and when stressed, they just work harder and become more focused. This kind of stress can wear them down, however, so they need to be reminded to relax and spend some time playing.

On the negative side, Capricorn Sun Sign may be too reserved and conservative. They may lack a sense of humor and be excessively pessimistic. If they fail, they may become unhappy or melancholy. This can lead to depression. Self-centeredness may be a problem, and they may not interact well with others, even in close relationships. They may feel left out… that people don't like them, or they may feel taken advantage of. They can also make a bitter enemy. On the positive side, they’re shrewd, responsible, and put others before themselves. They can be witty and capricious at times and are tactful and very loyal.

Moon in Capricorn

Capricorn Moon needs to feel useful and productive. They are competent and collected, even when their emotions are churning beneath the surface. They want realistic goals and clear boundaries set. They are not risk takers. They much prefer security and safety and plan ahead for every eventuality.

Capricorn Moon does not deal well with all those messy emotions… they are frightened of dealing with them. While they can have some mood swings and can dip pretty far into the darkness themselves, they don't like to delve into this side. The Capricorn Moon Sign person is their own worst critic, and they can be really hard on themselves. They often hide their own sensitivity behind a sarcastic demeanor. They are painfully aware of their faults and weaknesses, and try very diligently to compensate for them.

Moon in Capricorn may come across as cold and calculating, but in reality they just don't feel comfortable letting their feelings hang out in public. They prefer to be organized and efficient; practical to the bone. Those born under this Moon Sign have a strong need to feel worthwhile. They want to be respectable in the eyes of others. Patient and able to endure quite a bit, Capricorn Moon has a big sense of duty. They jump to take responsibility on the job or at home. They may feel that they give more than they get, and it takes a lot for them to learn that others are giving back to them. They need to learn to give affection… they may feel it; they just tend not to show it very well to those they love.

In a relationship, they are often unable or unwilling to see what their partner wants or needs. They tend to worry and find it difficult to relate to those who have different values and opinions. They have a hard time discussing their own problems. It is rare that they feel relaxed and content within themselves. They fear rejection. Unless everything is outlined clearly, they feel insecure. It may take them a long time to find someone to trust and love. They mellow with age as competition isn't so important and can genuinely be a lot of fun as they get older.

Capricorn Moon likes to get their own way. They can be ambitious and strong of will, especially as it helps their own career. They like the spotlight, and do well in public positions. Often very intelligent, they have a great respect of knowledge, and they know how to use it to their benefit. They do have a problem with holding anger and resentment deep inside, and can actually cause illness or depression within themselves because they don't deal with their feelings.

Moon in Capricorn is dignified and tenacious. They are able to concentrate well, and do not like to be idle. They can motivate others. When they do lose control, you might as well be standing in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius. Luckily, this doesn't happen very often.

Mercury in Capricorn

Mercury in Capricorn tries to understand the world by putting everything into its own little compartment. They may be slow and methodical, and they appreciate structure and organization in their life. They are resourceful, but they can easily get overwhelmed if too much information comes at them at once. They need to break the information down into manageable pieces before it is useful.

They are very productive and active mentally, and prefer tasks that end with a tangible result. They can be quite authoritative, and don't like surprises. Mercury in Capricorn does not like people who don't keep promises. They can appear rather judgmental and strict, and they are short on patience with those who don't understand things that seem obvious to them.

They are not frivolous, and they don't like frivolity in others. They are practical in all aspects. They are often skeptical when confronted with something new. They may appear more conservative than they really are. They don't like to waste time or anything else. Planning, however, is important to them. They will take as much time as needed to make sure the plan is foolproof.

Words are chosen carefully by Capricorn Mercury. They don't want to appear foolish, so they may be a bit stiff. Those that appear very natural when making a presentation have probably worried themselves sick over how they would appear.

They are clear thinkers, and may appear rather rigid or narrow minded. They are cautious before committing to anything. They very seldom have anything to regret. While they don't learn too quickly, they retain the knowledge for a long time. They often feel a need to prove themselves.

Capricorn Mercury may appear moody or sulky, and it may take some effort to show enthusiasm. They have a great capacity for concentration and earnestness that makes them appear very serious. They are reliable and responsible, and in bad situations may end up depressed or pessimistic.

Mercury in Capricorn is definitely someone that you can trust to live their beliefs. They often become experts in their field because they are dedicated to learn all they can about their chosen topic. They favor self control, and may have difficulty mingling with others.

Mercury in Capricorn finds history and traditions fascinating. They have a way of melding the old and new into something practical and useful. They really want to leave their mark on the world and stand the test of time. They make good administrators, engineers and excel at anything that is practical and detail oriented.

Venus in Capricorn

Capricorn Venus is responsible and in control. They impress people by their wit, their focus on their goals, and their smarts. They like a certain amount of predictability in their relationships to fit their cautious personality.

They like to be alone, which is part of their charm. This loner behavior attracts many of the opposite sex as they seek to be a part of the "coolness" that is Capricorn Venus. They aren't very expressive or demonstrative about love, and their partners may wish they weren't quite so practical. The person with Venus in Capricorn isn't known for their warmth or spontaneity. In actuality, they can be very romantic and wish for someone to share their lives with. How they appear to others is very important to them.

Capricorn Venus is attracted to people who are serious and goal-oriented. They are willing to commit, and are rather conservative. They may be a bit shy, but they don't want anyone to know. They plan everything, and they are perfect for those who want to know where their relationship is going and want security. Capricorn Venus is respectful and tries very hard to not hurt their partner. It is difficult for them to let down their defenses, but when it happens, they are warm and tender.

Capricorn Venus shows their emotions and affection through their actions rather than their words. Passionate people can attract them, yet intimidate them at the same time. They have a lot to offer for those who are up to the challenge of getting to know them.

A Venus in Capricorn person needs material wealth and status to feel safe and secure. They may choose to marry someone who is from a higher station in life. They are reserved in public, but can be quite affectionate in private. They are loyal to those they love, and live up to their responsibilities. They are likely to seek out someone who has the same level of ambition they have with which to build their own personal empire. They are a little old-fashioned, and they would like nothing better than to settle down and have a family to grow old with.

In friendship, Capricorn Venus wants to help their friends be successful in the world. They are dependable and expect their friends to be as responsible as they are. They may suffer bouts of melancholy, so it is important that they have friends willing to extend a hand when this happens.

Capricorn Venus has a talent for finding good partnerships. They build with a sense of tradition, and they would like to leave a legacy in whatever they choose to be involved in.

People are attracted to Venus in Capricorn people because there is something soulful about them. This is made even more attractive because of the mystery created by their close guarding of their privacy. They don't just sit back and watch, they get up and do. They garner respect and exude dignity. They are loyal and unwavering.

For those attracted to a person with Venus in Capricorn, they want someone they can count on no matter what. They want someone who is accomplished in some fashion, and being prosperous doesn't hurt. They admire those who are hard-working and resourceful.

Mars in Capricorn

Mars in Capricorn is orderly and subdued. They like to be in control of their life. They are determined, but they keep everything low-key. They like to be on top of things in their life. They like to set their goals and focus on achieving them. They are not flamboyant, but they can be ambitious. They want to be secure, and they will do whatever it takes to succeed.

When Capricorn Mars is angry, it is a level-headed, cool type of anger. They have a strong sense of self-control that encompasses all areas of their life. They don't like to see anything go to waste. They are afraid of letting loose and getting out of control.

They are materialistic. If it can be seen or held, it is part of their world. Mars in Capricorn is very disciplined. They plan for the future. They set realistic goals. They are productive workers who like to see tangible results.

Capricorn Mars is responsible and reliable. They work hard and they keep their nose to the grindstone. They have a tendency to become workaholics. They want to attain status and recognition for their work. They are very practical and can turn a profit from almost anything they put their minds to. They do tend towards caution, which can be detrimental in some cases. They are also skeptical of new ideas. It is difficult for them to break old habits. They can be pessimistic and may come across as too serious.

Mars in Capricorn has a strong libido and appreciates sensual experiences. This is hidden behind their conservative face. It is hard to let this side show. Once they reveal the real person inside, you won't be disappointed. They don't rush, but take their time, enjoying the moment. Conventional and straightforward, they give quite a bit to their partner, although they expect quite a bit in return. They are not into experimenting with new techniques. They appreciate discretion. They want the security of a long-term relationship. If they are focused on their career, they have the capability of suppressing their sexual urges completely if needed so they are not distracted. They have a lot of endurance.

Jupiter in Capricorn

Jupiter in Capricorn meets good fortune when they are ethical, mature and act with integrity. They are organized and disciplined, and their step by step approach generally brings them good results. They are practical and need to visualize the end results to achieve them.

Jupiter in Capricorn has a great optimism when they look at their life. They can be optimistic because they understand what works and what doesn't. They can create lasting impressions using principles that have stood the test of time. They have faith in hard work and being resourceful. They have a lot of endurance. They have high standards and a belief in tradition.

Capricorn Jupiter does well in architecture, planning, politics, finances, medicine and the environment. They like to benefit society through their actions. They are above reproach due to their strong ethics. Their conservative attitude helps pave the way for their success in many instances. To attain more good fortune, they need to achieve balance. By letting themselves get too involved with material gain and fear of failure, good fortune can run right out the door.

Jupiter in Capricorn has a strong drive for power, status, dignity and importance. By working hard and through determination, they often find themselves at the pinnacle of industrial, commercial or political success. They often gain in wealth as a side effect, though Capricorn Jupiter may find something tragic in being wealthy. They believe in being rewarded for their hard work, but wealth can corrupt the ethics. While they appear serious most of the time, they may have a dark sense of humor. They have the talent to make the best of a difficult situation.

Cautious and ambitious, Jupiter in Capricorn can make their personal philosophy match their ambition. They may tend to be miserly, so learning to be more generous can help them grow.

Saturn in Capricorn

Saturn in Capricorn is ambitious and hungry for power. They are focused on their career. A great organizer and planner, they easily assume responsibility and can be relied upon to take care of business. They may find it difficult to delegate, so may end up doing all the work themselves. It is hard for them to believe that others can produce results that are up to their tough standards. They are very comfortable in a business or government job.

Capricorn Saturn prefers an environment that is unemotional, impersonal and structured. They rise through the ranks at work at a steady, if slow, pace. They are self-disciplined and hard working. They fear not being recognized for their efforts. They like rules.

Capricorn Saturn is always working, mostly for the benefit of others. If they really examine why they are so dedicated to the job above all else, they may find that they are afraid that if they don't they won't be able to control their environment. They feel a strong need to control their surroundings before it controls them. They seldom take the time to relax and enjoy themselves or their family.

Saturn in Capricorn is very cautious and detail-oriented. They can be very charming or persistent when they want something. They are gifted with persuasion, and may make an effective speaker. They are fair and impartial. They have great foresight, and are gifted with practical matters. Some will be concerned with developing prestige. They have a strong sense of duty, but don't always find joy in accomplishing their task. They may find fulfillment in service to others.

Capricorn Saturn's challenge is to learn to deal effectively with authority, status and power. They need financial security and self-sufficiency to give them a solid base for them to succeed.

Physically, Saturn in Capricorn may have difficulties with the skeleton, knees and skin. They are blessed with endurance if they avoid excess.

Uranus in Capricorn

Uranus in Capricorn is ambitious and enterprising. They can be very serious minded, with a strong sense of responsibility. Their original business ideas will bring them success, especially when they work with electrical or aerial fields. They can also be erratic or eccentric. They have a strong stubborn streak and they may be quarrelsome. They may suffer great sorrow and trouble if they are not cautious. They are prone to sudden changes in employment and their surroundings.

Capricorn Uranus can be restless or impulsive. They may act before they think it through. They can be stubborn, eccentric and radical. They are good at balancing ambition, independence and their intellectual abilities. They are not afraid of challenges. They are tolerant of differences in people, and they have no problem treating them all equally. They are even tempered.

Capricorn Uranus is responsible and is capable of handling power with ease. They are good people to hold a job needing the trust of the public. They have the talent to see the coming trends long in advance. They are not afraid to change procedures in order to achieve their goals. They are logical and have a great mind. They may be excellent politicians or business leaders. They will be capable of accomplishing great things for mankind and may make great material progress.

Uranus in Capricorn may come across as ultra conservative or as very reactionary. They are accepting of policies that are made to keep society safe and secure. They like things to be structured carefully with a conservative feel to them, though they are willing to change from tradition.

Neptune in Capricorn

Neptune in Capricorn is reserved and refined, especially in areas related to control, power, fame and success. They dream of wealth and power, even if they don't quite know how to attain it. They can use their imagination to put just about any idea to practical use and turn it into money.

Capricorn Neptune is serious and likes to think things over. They have the ability to concentrate on anything that happens, so they can solve any problems that occur. Detail work is something they usually excel at. On the other hand, they may tend towards melancholy, secrets and deceit. When they get this way, they want to shut themselves away from the world.

Capricorn Neptune may be a bit conservative and traditional. They reflect on spiritual matters, and are inspired by the Great Masters of art, music and literature. Many become cynics or critics. They may be accused of not having enough compassion.

Neptune in Capricorn excels at organization and bureaucracy, and they are conscious of status. They like to be in authority. Their only problem is getting reality to work as they think it should. They may envision a system that runs smoothly, is responsive to the needs of all those involved, and that promotes on merit. It can be frustrating for them to deal with the harsh reality instead.

Pluto in Capricorn

1762-1778; 2008-2024 [Generation Alpha (current name)]

Pluto in Capricorn exercises caution in all things. They know they can succeed through disciplined action. They are ambitious, but are patient enough to go step by step. They may feel impatient to reach their goal, but they realize that won't help them gain what they desire. Gradual change is their motto. Capricorn Pluto is a born organizer. They create structure where there was once chaos. Their power lies in prudence and reserved action. They may resist the existing authority and go on to establish their own. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn, the American Revolution took place. The upheaval and creation of new order may take place again this time around. Those born during this time will have the discipline and drive needed to create any new order that may take place. Their practicality and persistence pays off and gets everyone on track, whether they want to or not. They make terrific politicians. William Wordsworth, Napoleon and John Quincy Adams all had the Capricorn Pluto Sign.

Capricorn glyph