
Aquarius glyph

Aquarius is the eleventh Sign of the Zodiac circle. Its symbol, the Water Bearer,
is associated with replenishment and rejuvenation of the earth.

Planetary ruler: Uranus Affiliated with: House 11
Duality: Assertive Color: Electric Blue
Modality: Fixed Anatomy: Legs and Circulatory System
Element: Air Keywords: I know

Interpreting the Aquarius Sign

Uranus is this Sign’s ruling planet and its expression is in the form of revolution, change, unpredictability and disruption.

Aquarius understands that the individual is a part of the whole and can only progress in that way. Progress has no meaning if done alone. The earth only evolves with the entire humanity’s evolution.

This Zodiac Sign is the change initiator of society. It thinks differently, acts differently and is simply different. This Sign is non conformist in the true sense of the word and yet not a rebel. It’s not biased or judgmental. An evolved Aquarius knows that all people are unique and to be respected regardless.

In general this Zodiac Sign is innovative, friendly, unconventional, idealistic, and good at communications.

In matters of the heart this Sign's temperament is caring, sensitive, loyal, and very honest.

The following words describe the darker side of Aquarius: highly strung, dispassionate, aloof, unpredictable, eccentric, and erratic in behavior.

Sun in Aquarius

The Aquarius Sun Sign personality is brilliant, free-spirited and eccentric. If they don't act like any Sign you can recognize, they are probably an Aquarius Sun Sign. Intellectual, they are gifted with an analytical mind. Many geniuses are born under this Sign.

They are ahead of their time, so others may think they're a bit strange. They may have a difficult time staying in the present since they would rather focus on the future.

They need to have freedom and have time to be an individual, even when in a relationship. The best marriage partner is a friend first, so if you fall for an Aquarius Sun Sign, give them plenty of time. They don't like to be smothered, they need their space. While they are physically in the moment, their brain may be elsewhere, maybe contemplating what everything means that is happening, rather than enjoying the emotions of the moment. Because of this, they may come across as impersonal or detached.

They keep to themselves and don't speak about their problems very easily. Once someone is let into the inner circle, however, they will do anything for them. They are faithful and loyal when they make a close friend or embrace a love. They may even end up being disappointed emotionally because they tend to expect more out of others than may be reasonable.

Aquarius Sun Sign people are social, charming and friendly. Their outgoing personality makes them popular. They want to solve the problems of the world or make life better for mankind. Their main problem is they tend to live in a world of ideas and concepts rather than reality. This detached, unemotional way of looking at life can make communication with them a bit difficult at times. They need to learn how to connect with others emotionally.

When stressed, they feel claustrophobic. It may be hard for them to explain to their spouse or friends why they need time alone. Spouses can become upset or confused because they will clam up, tune out and not explain what is bothering them. Sometimes, they need time away from family but will spend it with friends. This can be very difficult to explain to the family, and usually they don’t even try. They need mental variety, though they will usually remain faithful on other levels.

Those born with an Aquarius Sun Sign are charismatic, and usually the leader of any group they are in. They are smart, independent and original. They also have a bit of a rebellious streak that makes them appealing to others. They appear to find friendship more important than love. While this isn't true, it is still hard to see the truth from the outside. This can be frustrating to potential partners. They need to be prepared to throw out the rulebook. Living with an Aquarius Sun Sign can be challenging, exasperating and exciting. There are two sides to the Aquarius Sun Sign personality: outgoing, eccentric and exuberant; and shy, patient and quiet. Their real depth of character may remain hidden.

Professionally, they make great inventors, innovators or designers. If artistic, their expression pushes the envelope of convention. They like technology, and may get into computer graphics, video game design or other forms of programming. They make excellent writers, broadcasters, journalists, teachers and social workers and a few excel as therapists or holistic healers.

Moon in Aquarius

Aquarius Moon is very observant. They love to study human nature and analyze why everyone around them acts the way they do. They are often shy themselves, and may appear a bit detached. If you sit down and talk with an Aquarius Moon, they will probably tell you that they always felt "different" when they were growing up. While they can be sociable, at heart they would rather be on their own.

They may have a strong ego, and they"ll do their level best to be unusual. It is not their lot to be mainstream or "fit in." They can be idealistic and progressive, but they pretend that jealousy, fear and possessiveness don't exist… that they are somehow above such petty emotions. This may make them appear distant and emotionally unavailable.

They can be very stubborn about getting their way. As they get older, they learn to handle themselves better. They feel a strong need for independence at any age. They take great pride in their family, and will often brag of their accomplishments. With their desire to shock those around them, if they grew up in a more conservative household, they will be bragging about how they changed that.

Moon in Aquarius may be prone to temper tantrums when young, even though as they grow they end up feeling that emotions are "messy." While they can be so good at understanding others' motivations and behaviors, they often lose touch with their own. This happens because they get too caught up in what they want to achieve rather than what is reality.

Aquarius Moon Sign person is kind and compassionate, though it may tend to be shown more as a broad philosophy rather than in actual actions. While they may seem aloof, in fact they enjoy the eccentricities of those around them, and they feel confident in giving their partners a lot of freedom. Their optimism and friendliness helps them attract lots of friends. When they are unhappy, they tend to focus on their activities to such an extent that those around them have difficulty figuring out that something is wrong.

Aquarius Moon is an intellectual that is both intense and intuitive. They love all aspects of freedom, both on a personal level as well as in the wider sense for humanity. They can work long hours to support a cause they believe in. Playful and childlike, they can have a great sense of humor, but they must be cautious they don't inadvertently hurt an other's feelings while trying to be funny. They are great dreamers, preferring to keep their head in the clouds at times.

Aquarius Moon can be unreliable about the little details in life, but they are seldom flaky. They are usually loyal and trustworthy and make terrific friends. Criticism can make them stop in their tracks and dig in their heels like a donkey. They expect to be accepted just as they are, even when they are wildly unpredictable. Their charm makes it difficult to remain angry with them for long.

Mercury in Aquarius

Mercury in Aquarius likes to break the rules when expressing themselves. While not really flamboyant, they do have a knack for stirring things up. They take great delight in exposing the biases of others. They are the first to contradict someone and give their own, very different perspective. They love intellectual debates. Quick and alert, they are very observant.

They are often detached and seem to have their own agenda. They can be intimidating to others because of their innate superiority complex. At the same time, Aquarius Mercury can be absolutely delightful to be around. They are interesting, quirky and insightful.

When it comes to learning, they have unusual study habits. They don't like schedules, but can be surprisingly organized, although their system may make no sense to anyone else. They like science and metaphysics, as well as anything that deals with mankind's progress or advancement. They have a well developed sense of humor and love practical jokes.

Mercury in Aquarius is often labeled eccentric. They love controversy and chaos, and have little respect for tradition. They are intuitive and can judge a person's character very accurately. They are fair minded and believe in equality and fair play. They are humanitarians and love to help those who are less fortunate than themselves. They are often involved in social reform.

Mercury in Aquarius is witty and open minded at times, but they can also be very stubborn. They often make good speakers or writers. They are often very original and their ideas may be ahead of their time. Ideas often just appear to them out of thin air. They are more loyal to concepts than they are to people. They may play the devil's advocate just to have a debate.

They can see the big picture, and will lay out the facts as needed. They prefer to explore the more outlandish and far reaching ideas. Science fiction isn't much of a leap for Mercury in Aquarius. Resourceful, they can use their powers for good or to drive others to distraction. They are usually well disciplined when it comes to intellectual pursuits. They are versatile, practical and somewhat revolutionary.

Venus in Aquarius

Aquarius Venus is open-minded and has an eye towards the future. They want to be seen as rebellious, unique and maybe a bit provocative. They don't follow the mainstream in love. They are attracted to unconventional relationships; the more unusual, the better. They don't want to follow the rules, but are not above making some of their own. They are friendly to everyone, but not everyone warrants personal attention from this Sign. They are generally popular and well-liked, and they often have a sparkling personality.

Aquarius Venus doesn't like restrictions, and can appear to be rather aloof. They can be a bit detached in a relationship. They want to be loved for their brains and their visions. They like partners who are also good friends, and they don't like to have any displays of emotions or anger in public. They will have a great time trying to shock you by their unusual habits or their progressive thinking. They often date many different types of people, regardless of social convention or peer pressure.

They want others to let them know how interesting they are. While they get crushes easily, true love can be a bit more challenging. Once they commit, they stick to it. They may feel a bit claustrophobic with a partner who is clingy or high maintenance. They do best when they get a little space once in awhile. They do best with someone who won't judge their outlandish ideas and who may be as unusual as they are.

As a friend, they may be a member of many groups or clubs. Their activism is a place where they may meet many people they like, but emotionally they are a bit of a loner, so Aquarius Venus may compromise and be alone in a busy location. They can be a soothing influence on someone who needs balance and may attract eccentrics or outcasts. The Venus in Aquarius person treats them all with the same amount of respect.

Creatively, Aquarius Venus is a few steps ahead of the crowd. Their inspiration won't be understood yet, but by the time it is, they'll have moved on to something new.

People, who are born with Venus in Aquarius, get noticed because they are offbeat. They stand up for the underdog, and people respect them for this, especially since they don't care how it reflects on them. Aquarius Venus is not critical and they don't dredge up old hurts. They are never boring to be around due to their spontaneous nature.

Those who are attracted to Aquarius Venus should be able to match them intellectually. You should allow them enough freedom to have nights out with their friends, yet can still be their very best friend. Marriage may not be their cup of tea until they have had time to explore.

Aquarius Venus is curious and they enjoy some intellectual stimulation from their partner. They don't like to stagnate, and they have a unique ability to be able to step back and get a new perspective on their situation. While others see them as calming influences, they are not above stirring up a little controversy to make things interesting.

Mars in Aquarius

ars in Aquarius is a bit difficult to figure out. And they like it that way because they like to surprise others. They find conventional methods boring and look for new, innovational ways to accomplish their goals. They are original and unique.

Aquarius Mars is proud of their own independence. They wouldn't have it any other way. They can stand up for themselves quite well. While open-minded and progressive, they can be surprisingly stubborn. They don't like to feel trapped… it will make them rebellious. If they know you've found a pattern in their behavior, they are sure to change it!

Aquarius Mars has lots of ambition and energy, especially for mental and intellectual projects. They are a bit scattered, but pull it together to finish a project. At times, they appear utterly mad, but somewhere in there it all makes sense. They are good t getting what they want. They have a strong will that they are not afraid to show. Combined with their innate cleverness, they are very creative in getting their own way. They can be the dominant force in a relationship without their partner even realizing it!

Mars in Aquarius is willing to let others be themselves. They value freedom and individuality, both yours and theirs. They like to feel they have plenty of space and freedom. They are not very sentimental. They come across as detached, even in an intimate relationship. They like to run the show. They are well organized and can make a good leader. Mars in Aquarius is often the reformer; the one against the establishment. They are non-conformists, and demand compliance from those that follow you.

Mars in Aquarius is into anything new and unusual in their sex lives, too. What is exciting one day is totally boring the next. They like to experiment and have a creative imagination. They will try anything at least once… in fantasy if not in real life. Stimulating their mind works very well. They are in it more for the fun than for any real passion or affection. They may seem detached to their partners. They will be faithful unless they get bored. Aquarius Mars can drive their partner mad with their "don't care" attitude. Sex over the phone or computer is intriguing for them because it is all imagination. They crave variety and excitement.

Jupiter in Aquarius

Jupiter in Aquarius attracts good luck when they are cooperative, impartial and inventive. They work at their best when they have the freedom to choose what to do and how to do it. They are good at breaking rules and thinking outside the box.

Jupiter in Aquarius can break new ground in any endeavor because they are willing to try new things. They are not afraid to step away from tradition to make new discoveries. Some may call them genius, others eccentric. The point is, Aquarius Jupiter is not afraid to be different. They are very spiritual and artistic. They are sociable and love to share ideas. They may find themselves as an activist, musician, artist, scientist, inventor or in the occult.

Aquarius Jupiter accepts those around them at face value. They are tolerant and understanding, which allows them to work equally well with many different people. They are fresh and original, though they don't seek out responsibility frequently. They can also lack in discipline at times. They are not into material goods, so it may be more difficult for them to prosper financially. They can be rather revolutionary at times.

Jupiter in Aquarius wants to make the world better for everyone. They may find themselves as union leaders, shop stewards or volunteers. They are excellent at networking and can inspire those around them to bigger and better things. They have no problem getting followers or being popular. They can be unconventional.

Luck finds Jupiter in Aquarius through their use of visionary ideals and innovative ideas. They can seek more luck by putting themselves in situations that place value on innovation and original thinking. To gather even more good fortune, Aquarius Jupiter needs to learn to compromise.

They are independent humanitarians who want to learn about the subjects that help mankind. They may be successful in technology, philosophy, social science, religion or the occult. They have pioneer spirit that many traditionalists don't want to encourage. They like to socialize. Social reform is important to them to help the downtrodden and the poor.

Saturn in Aquarius

Saturn in Aquarius has the ability to really concentrate. They have a scientific mind. They are inventive and original, if a bit conservative. They may see the future as bleak. They often work towards improving society. They are good at organizing.

Aquarius Saturn is a good friend. They are responsible, loyal and impartial. They are level-headed and stable. It may be difficult for them to make friends. They may be a loner socially, but they really want to be a part of a group. It is difficult for them to be accepted because they can't help the superiority complex they exude.

In order to grow, it may be necessary for them to admit how they feel and that they are unhappy. This can be very difficult for them, because they have always acted like they are "cool for being different." They may also just stay in the background because it is too frustrating to do otherwise. Seeing things in a unique way is valuable, and they need to realize that they can make good contributions to the group.

Saturn in Aquarius needs structure in their life, but it will be unconventional. They need a place to share their ideas, even when they are impractical or fanciful. Their big challenge is to grow while being open and fair to everyone. They can be strong, impersonal and scientific, or cold, unloving and opinionated. They may resent being told what they don't want to hear.

For success in life, they need to learn a tolerant, impartial attitude in public. They should develop their intuition and original thinking skills. Using these skills in practical applications will contribute to their happiness.

Physically, it is important for those with Saturn in Aquarius to keep their circulatory and nervous systems healthy. This also affects the heart. Obstructions in the circulation lead to serious life-threatening conditions. Obstructions in the nervous system lead to numbness and loss of sensation.

Uranus in Aquarius

Uranus in Aquarius has great intuitive skills and original ideas. They tend to work towards bettering humanity. They are devoted friends and truly want to help those in need. This unselfish behavior helps them to gain what they want in life. They may also be gifted with mechanical skills.

Aquarius Uranus may also be erratic. They may have difficulties with their choice of friends, who may take advantage of them.

Uranus in Aquarius likes to turn the world upside down. The revolution may be loud or peaceful, but they are part of the action either way. Naturally obliging with a pleasant personality, Aquarius Uranus is popular wherever they go. Some of their core beliefs may be a bit on the eccentric side. They may be very successful in electronics, logistic computers, space technology or anything of a scientific nature.

Aquarius Uranus likes to socialize, and they are naturals at networking. They love to be where the action is. Highly inventive, they can envision what will happen down the road. They can understand complicated social problems and come up with ideas to help ease them. They have a talent for conveying complex ideas to others. Resourceful Aquarius Uranus is a good person to have on your side.

Uranus In Aquarius has the ability to help bring in new technologies and restructure communication. They are very intelligent, yet impersonal and detached. A few may be able to be more compassionate and understand what others are going through. Strong willed, Aquarius Uranus likes to work on their own, but being a loner isn't that bad if you enjoy it. They may use radical approaches to community, and they know how to get people to unite towards a common purpose. This ability to create an integrated whole can help humanity move forward. Working with obsolete social systems can really frustrate them.

Neptune in Aquarius

Neptune in Aquarius dreams of independence and freedom. They may be a bit unconventional, yet idealistic. They are loyal to their friends and their beliefs. They may appear rather eccentric. Sensitive and passionate, they have plenty of zeal to fuel their aspirations.

Aquarius Neptune at their best is altruistic. They wish to save the entire world from their ills. They may be seen as dreamers or visionaries. At their worst, they tend to bring everything they touch into disgrace.

They may have talents in bringing people together or introducing new technology, energy or a higher consciousness. Aquarius Neptune is a natural humanitarian, and they want to do all they can to help others, with as much compassion and emotion as Neptune bestows. They are not cynics or skeptical, either. Religion is not a big deal for them. Modernization is their theme in all things.

There is a blurring of the lines between science and mysticism for Neptune in Aquarius. They never lose their sense of awe. If you try to get them to read the old dry academic texts, you will not succeed. They feel like they need to break away from the ordinary; the traditional. Boundaries are made to be broken or crossed.

Pluto in Aquarius

1778-1798, 2024-2044

Persons born with Pluto in Aquarius may be erratic. They have original ideas, though they are biased by their unique experiences while growing up.

They are usually nonconformist, so some may perceive them as strange or compulsive. They, however, know exactly what they are doing and why. They will use their unique angle on the world to gain more control for themselves. They feel their beliefs supersede everything else. They need to learn that their beliefs do not give them the right to steamroll over the rights of others.

Aquarius Pluto is fascinated by the ideas of equality and liberty. They may be part of a movement that will result in drastic social change.

Lord Byron, Davy Crockett, Jane Grey and Thomas Moore all had the Aquarius Pluto Sign.

Aquarius glyph